Thinly Veiled Accusation?

icon_shoesystem.gifSpeaking of outfits, what’s up with the Clinton campaign sending out this photo? I have to agree with Amy on this one, these tactics are beneath her. Hercampaign’s response is below the fold:

UPDATE: Clinton campaign’s second response is also below the fold:


If Barack Obama’s campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely.

This is nothing more than an obvious and transparent attempt to distract from the serious issues confronting our country today and to attempt to create the very divisions they claim to decry.

We will not be distracted.

‚ÄúWe have over 700 people on staff. I don‚Äôt know if someone on our staff sent it out or not,” Elleithee said. ‚ÄúIf someone on our staff makes the point that we are treated differently by the press than Sen. Obama, we agree with that sentiment. We don‚Äôt think there‚Äôs anything wrong with this photo. Sen. Clinton has herself, while traveling abroad, dressed in traditional, local dress. And there‚Äôs nothing divisive about that.”

He also tried to push back at Obama: “We think it is wrong for the Obama campaign to say that this is divisive photo. It‚Äôs not a divisive photo.”






74 responses to “Thinly Veiled Accusation?”

  1. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Paris? Did someone mention Paris? Ooh la la.

  2. Jules Avatar

    Um seems to me I was recently planning a 40th b-day trip with a certain somebody to Paris next year! I think I’ll call her Zsa Zsa from now on, who is a famously evasive age revealer, even before bitch slapping that cop and lying to him about her age.

  3. plange Avatar

    Well, that’s what age I THOUGHT you were, and I was speaking relatively when I said “not that much younger” as I hang around folks in their 20s… 😉

  4. Smitty Avatar

    didn’t you get invited to my 33rd birthday party last year?

    see what happens when you start aging…you just forget things. that’s ok. no sweat.

  5. plange Avatar

    thought you were?! my bad!

  6. Smitty Avatar

    plange…you wish!

  7. plange Avatar

    IRE, she can’t be serious as she’s not that much younger than me 😉

  8. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    I thought (and think) you were serious.

  9. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    that was an easy lay up Smitty.

  10. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    here is a not veiled accusation, the cop who gave me a ticket was a jerk. I believe it was political too. My stickers spoke power to “the man”.

  11. plange Avatar

    Catherine– how about hanging out at a YD retreat and discovering that one of the attendees was born after you’d graduated from college? Said YD was born in 1990…

  12. Kimmiega Avatar

    C-I’m with you! G-D..6

    When I was 6 it was Woodstock

  13. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    OK, this is enough throw me into vapors:

    “when i was 6 i think, Edward Scissorhands came out”

  14. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    when i was 6 i think, Edward Scissorhands came out and that was name for about three weeks. Closest thing I ever had to a nickname.

  15. plange Avatar

    I think MoS was being funny….

  16. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Re: Names

    You think people care that he went by Barry when he was younger?

    Kids are mean and I’m not surprised he decided he didn’t want go by Barack. It wouldn’t surprise me if kids used to make chicken noises at him (Barack sounds like Bwrack!). He eventually grew out of it.

    My Grandma’s name is Haroldine. And she has gone by a completely different name her entire life.

    I say this as someone who would have LOVED to have changed her last name growing up..

  17. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    I think its much more damaging that he went by “Barry” until law school.

  18. innerredneckexposed Avatar


  19. MelGX Avatar

    Actually, I should have said he’s in danger of becoming the old Andre. The current Andre has been reasonably nice.

    And there’s only one you IRE.

  20. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    daaaaaaaaaaaaaang…So what am I in danger of? Mel, my feelings are hurt, I was working hard for that spot and you just give it to Shelby? Not cool.

  21. MelGX Avatar

    Shelby, you might want to reread my comment and pull the stick out of your ass. You are in danger of becoming the new Andre.

  22. shelby Avatar

    Boy I missed the party, but I, too, am pretty disappointed one of our Hillfans is parroting the “Obama doesn’t say the pledge” bullshit here, too. He said the goddamn pledge. He even put his hand on his heart. He did not put his hand on his heart for the national anthem, cause you don’t do that shit.


  23. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    whats weird kimmie is that the campaign has stated that if a state won’t vote D then it “doesn’t matter” and then she goes on 700 Club which logically “wouldn’t matter”

  24. Kimmiega Avatar

    Frankly the whole stinks, oh and WHY is she on the 700 club???? Those people ain’t voting for you! Arggh

  25. plange Avatar

    Thanks Bezerko! So it DOES appear to have been manufactured by the right….

  26. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    at least this isn’t a crash that costs 1.2 billion dollars and destroys 5% of the most tightly guarded secret in the world.

  27. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    before anyone accuses of me of supporting one of the 3 candidates left in the race im not.

  28. BEZERKO Avatar

    Check my previous comment concerning a DU post. Looks like Drudge may have got the photo from Free Republic. Check the date, Feb. 23

  29. plange Avatar

    IRE, that’s why I said “I agree it’s not good IF it turns out to be a rogue-staffer”

  30. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    obama had a rogue staffer but he wasn’t the one making her “experience” and ability to run a tight ship such a critical issue.

    You know how we say Republicans who take the high road on moral issues can’t fuck up and need to held to a higher standard? Same goes to our candidates.

  31. griftdrift Avatar

    “Even if it was “rogue” campaign workers – even that is a reflection on the campaign and their ability to hire, train, manage, and retain smart and capable staff.”


  32. BEZERKO Avatar

    My comment got stuck in moderator Hell again. Trying once more.×4777137

    So, first the now-infamous photo of Obama wearing tribal garments appeared in a supermarket tabloid called, The National Examiner (Feb 4). Next the photo was seen on the right-wing message board Free Republic where a freeper commented:

    “Good Job, it needs to get to Drudge.” –

    Then the photo traveled to right-wing blogs like Sweetness & Light. Next thing you know, the photo arrived at the Drudge Report, replete with screaming headline:


    Drudge says he got the photo in an email from Clinton staffers. So, where exactly is the actual email, Drudge? Did the dog eat it? But who in this lunatic asylum called America freaking cares about a little thing like evidence? Proof? Innocent until proven guilty? Not the media, not Obamaians, certainly not Obama. . .

    “Obama staffers are pushing the “smear” angle hard. . . On comment boards across the blogosphere, Obama supporters are dropping words like “cynical,” “disgusting,” “despicable,” “shameful” and, worst of all, “Rovian.” The point, of course, is to suggest that the Clintonistas are slyly pressing for advantage among credulous, bigoted Americans who a) believe (despite reality) that Obama is Muslim, b) consider being Muslim a bad thing and c) would somehow see this innocuous image as “evidence” of Obama’s Muslimness. Which, if true, would be pretty damn Rovian.”

    And this is an attack on Obama??? Are you f**king kidding me?

    People have lost their f**king minds. If this sorry nation was a human being, s/he’d be forever locked away in a straight-jacket in a high-security lunatic asylum. That goes quadruple for the pure as the driven snow politics-of-hope we call the Sainted Obama Bandwagon.

    There was a time when no sane person on the left would be caught believing anything found on Drudge, let alone a character assassination of one of our own. . . What hurts most is that Obama’s style is to condemn the Clintons without one shred of evidence. And why not? Portraying the Clintons as rotten-to-the-core racists is working out pretty damn good for Obama.

    Karl Rove is laughing his f**king head off.

    In my humble opinion, when someone is being character-assassinated, sanity and fairness dictate that we withhold judgment until we see the proof. There is a truckload of honest and fair critiques about both of the flawed candidates. Why are we rushing to damn either one of them as hateful Immoral Evil-Doers?

    God, I cannot believe what we have become. . . /

  33. plange Avatar

    Howard Wolfson: “I have not previously seen this photograph. I’m not aware that anyone in this campaign circulated it. I don’t imagine that you have any independent reporting to suggest that we did.”

  34. BEZERKO Avatar

    Found via D.U.

    I googled the freeper link and edited it to the comment:×4777137

    So, first the now-infamous photo of Obama wearing tribal garments appeared in a supermarket tabloid called, The National Examiner (Feb 4). Next the photo was seen on the right-wing message board Free Republic where a freeper commented:

    “Good Job, it needs to get to Drudge.” –

    Then the photo traveled to right-wing blogs like Sweetness & Light. Next thing you know, the photo arrived at the Drudge Report, replete with screaming headline:


    Drudge says he got the photo in an email from Clinton staffers. So, where exactly is the actual email, Drudge? Did the dog eat it? But who in this lunatic asylum called America freaking cares about a little thing like evidence? Proof? Innocent until proven guilty? Not the media, not Obamaians, certainly not Obama. . .

    “Obama staffers are pushing the “smear” angle hard. . . On comment boards across the blogosphere, Obama supporters are dropping words like “cynical,” “disgusting,” “despicable,” “shameful” and, worst of all, “Rovian.” The point, of course, is to suggest that the Clintonistas are slyly pressing for advantage among credulous, bigoted Americans who a) believe (despite reality) that Obama is Muslim, b) consider being Muslim a bad thing and c) would somehow see this innocuous image as “evidence” of Obama’s Muslimness. Which, if true, would be pretty damn Rovian.”

    And this is an attack on Obama??? Are you f**king kidding me?

    People have lost their f**king minds. If this sorry nation was a human being, s/he’d be forever locked away in a straight-jacket in a high-security lunatic asylum. That goes quadruple for the pure as the driven snow politics-of-hope we call the Sainted Obama Bandwagon.

    There was a time when no sane person on the left would be caught believing anything found on Drudge, let alone a character assassination of one of our own. . . What hurts most is that Obama’s style is to condemn the Clintons without one shred of evidence. And why not? Portraying the Clintons as rotten-to-the-core racists is working out pretty damn good for Obama.

    Karl Rove is laughing his f**king head off.

    In my humble opinion, when someone is being character-assassinated, sanity and fairness dictate that we withhold judgment until we see the proof. There is a truckload of honest and fair critiques about both of the flawed candidates. Why are we rushing to damn either one of them as hateful Immoral Evil-Doers?

    God, I cannot believe what we have become. . . /

  35. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Sadly, the American “Politcal-Land” is not “the land of Innocent Until Proven Guilty”. Innuendo works. Lies work. Is it a big disappointment, sure. Is it a surprise, no. And of all people, Senator Clinton should be well aware and ready for it.

    And sndeak is right – they didn’t even have a non-denial denial for this one. Like, JerryT, I’ve lost my ability to rationalize these bonehead actions.

    Even if it was “rogue” campaign workers – even that is a reflection on the campaign and their ability to hire, train, manage, and retain smart and capable staff.

  36. plange Avatar

    I just think that it is a shame that the Clinton campaign is so desperate that they are down to trying to scare primary voters into voting for her because those big, bad mean Republicans might use some photos against Obama.

    Really, is that all that is left for you guys?

    Can we just agree to hold off on accusing HRC of doing this until proven guilty??! Thought this was the land of Innocent Until Proven Guilty. The quickness with which some folks have accepted the “story” from gossipist Drudge scares me…

  37. BEZERKO Avatar

    “This Obama is a closet Muslim thing needs to be addressed head on, but I have no idea what would be the best way to do it.”

    Exactly, that’s what kept me up last night before I drifted off.

    I read “Rovian” here, which was my first thought. But by who? I think it would have been just as Rovian for Obama to get this photo out, then accuse his opponent of dirty politics.

    Drew Westen wrote about this in The Political Brain. The Ford campaign in Tennessee showed that subliminal race baiting is effective, if it’s allowed to fester beneath the level of consciousness. Jim Webb’s campaign in Virginia showed that shining a light on a subliminal attack can be an effective response.

    I looked up the portion of Political Brain that talks about the Ford race and found this:

    “…the only known antidote to racial appeals made below the radar of consciousness: make them conscious.”

    “As of this writing, many Democrats are expressing tremendous enthusiasm about Barack Obama in his running for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. And rightly so: he has enormous charisma, all the nonverbal behaviors that portend political success, and a first rate intellect combined with an ability to talk to people where they live. But Obama, like every African-American candidate for Senate or president in the near future, needs to study the tapes of the Ford-Corker race, and study them well. The orchestrated campaign against Ford was a psychologically sophisticated as it was racist, and it took no time for Republicans to call attention to Obama’s middle name: Hussein.

  38. Sarawaraclara Avatar

    He’s addressed it about a million times over–how would you suggest he go about addressing it “head on” any more than he already has?

  39. jac1975 Avatar

    That’s so true, Kimmie…. Hillary is very much an inkblot test for how people feel about feminism, the changing role of women in the family, etc. It has nothing to do with HER per se. It’s the curse of being a trailblazer.

  40. Kimmiega Avatar

    I think it’s the combo factor, the middle name and the turban. The fact that he speaks endlessly about being a xtian seems to be irrelevent.

    It’s a case of people only wanting to hear what they want to, and afirm the bias they likely already have. Just like Bill Maher says about HRC, it’s a reflection on you what you want to believe about her.

  41. jac1975 Avatar

    I’m wondering why we aren’t talking about the elephant in the room, which is the Muslim thing. The reason for the photo being spread is NOT a silly outfit, it’s because Obama is wearing a TURBAN, and for many (most??) Americans, turban = Muslim = terrorist.

    Now those of us on this blog know that’s a silly connection, but that is the heart of this “controversy”, although no one (except Benson) seems to be calling it out, even in the media.

    I agree with Mel that the tough primary is good for whomever our nominee is. If it is Obama, the fact he’s being bloodied by Clinton now is a good thing, b/c what the GOP has in store for our nominee will probably make 2004 look like a garden party.

    This Obama is a closet Muslim thing needs to be addressed head on, but I have no idea what would be the best way to do it. My own die-hard Democrat grandfather says he won’t vote for Obama because he’s a Muslim. I’m waiting for the nomination to be decided before I engage THAT particular conversation with him. He’s already voted in the primary since TN went on Feb. 5.

  42. Decaturguy Avatar

    Mel and Benson,

    I just think that it is a shame that the Clinton campaign is so desperate that they are down to trying to scare primary voters into voting for her because those big, bad mean Republicans might use some photos against Obama.

    Really, is that all that is left for you guys?

  43. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.


    Damn. I clearly haven’t made the transition..

  44. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    i think its 2008

  45. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.


    It might be 2007, but it’s still the 1950s in a lot of people’s minds.

  46. Kimmiega Avatar

    So, let me get this straight, folks commenting here still think that American will be duped by the politics of hate, bigotry, racism, classism and fear.

    Alrighty then.. glad to know we’re all just as stupid as in 2004.

    Race to the bottom people, race to the bottom.

  47. MelGX Avatar

    Lyman, the “patriotism” story was all over AP and CNN today. Pickler is a tool, and the story is crap, but it’s out there in a big way. But again, better now than later. With any luck, there should be some fallout at AP.

  48. Mouth of the South Avatar
    Mouth of the South

    Really, this isn’t terribly damaging in a primary, this is some low level Clinton person who thought he/she was helping. It is always done when it seems the top is lost. The low level person thinks, this is a great idea but they are too stuck to do it and after this really helps everyone will realize how smart I am.

    Of course, sometimes the people who do this stupid stuff aren’t so low level (Morton Brilliant, etc.) and then it’s real trouble.

    But honestly, none of this primary stuff is anything compared to the general, have you closely looked at Obama’s state senate votes? They are great Democratic base votes, great primary stuff so the Clinton camp won’t want to bring it up, but some of them will be difficult for Mom and Pop Oklahoma to get their heads around. The general is going to be rough. We do our eventual candidate no favors by ignoring how independent NON PRIMARY voters will think. I agree with Obama about the flag thing but that’s trouble, and who told Michelle it was cool to say she was proud of her country for the first time? (Please note, I recognize that many of you reading this will say, “she should think for herself, and I want to hear what she really thinks and she shouldn’t be told what she can and cannot say”, I recognize that and agree with it in principal, but it ignores the reality of the general election.)

    This will be a tough fight, no matter our nominee. It helps us not at all to ignore the realities of what lies ahead. Head in the stars, but feet on the ground.

  49. Reid Avatar

    Like the “secret Muslim” smear-mail, it is probably best this type of content get out in the open as early as possible. But it sure did hit the news cycle in an ugly manner, and may well cast a pretty ugly pall over their final debate tomorrow night.

    It’s also good that Drudge (and others) have simultaneously shown photos of Clinton in a hijab, and it’s easy to dig up photos of Bush in all kinds of get-ups, as well as holding the hand of the King of Saudi Arabia. In his decades in the Senate, and travels around the world, I’d bet there’s quite a trove of McCain photos in various garb. All politicians, left and right, get involved in these “cultural exchange” moments where being a good guest can mean you look at bit odd to the folks at home.

    But don’t kid yourself; things like this and the smear-mail are very effective. I’ve had to deprogram relatives because of it.

  50. LymanHall Avatar

    MelGx, are you kidding me? I can’t believe you are repeating Republican lies about Obama like the Pledge thing. What next, that he really was sworn in on a Koran?? Did you get your facts from a chain e-mail you read?

    I wasn’t with Obama from the beginning, but its looking like he’s going to be our nominee now. His website even has video of him saying the Pledge if it makes you more comfortable!

  51. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Everything about Clinton is known

    We know about her and Bill’s shady finances since Bill left 1600?

    Do we really think the GOP doesn’t have several trump cards lined up on her that they were holding onto once she ran for POTUS? I say that cause in 2000 she didn’t have much chance of losing and in 06 she had nominal opposition, there was no real reason to use that info then.

  52. sndeak Avatar

    I kinda agree with Mel. Get it out there now. Nothing to be ‘ashamed’ of. The problem is the way it was put out there. Something I would expect from a Republican. I certainly hope no Democrat would do this.

    BTW – How is Clinton expected to win Texas with this comment…”I‚Äôd love to carry Texas, but it‚Äôs usually not in the electoral calculation for the Democratic nominee.” Why would you say that 1 week before the Texas primary?

  53. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    Decaturguy, doesn’t it worry YOU that Obama is going to be viciously (and completely unfairly) attacked on this Muslim angle? Whether or not WE know it’s all lies and bigotry, what Rush Bimbaugh and Pawn Hannity spew to their listeners is what’s going to hurt us. So yeah, ditto Melanie again.

  54. MelGX Avatar

    Absolutely Decaturguy. Everything about Clinton is known, and that’s a double edged sword. The flip side is much about Obama is unknown. How many photos like this are there? How many opportunities will there be for the Republicans to sideswipe him? Who knows?

    In addition to determining the nominee, the Democratic Primary also serves to vet candidates. Just because you ignore something doesn’t make it go away. I maintain this photo is much less harmful now, than 6 months from now.

  55. Decaturguy Avatar

    Wow, Mel … so Clinton is really doing Barack a favor by putting this out there now instead of later and this “is what really worries me about this candidate?”

    Quite revealing.

  56. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    i think there are big differences between this race and mark and cathy, mainly that we have a shot of winning in November.

    What I think is that some low level staffer sent this out as a joke to someone as a personal email and lo and behold…

    Do I care about this? no.

    And, if we are going to throw mud at each other at least make it interesting.

  57. MelGX Avatar

    BTW, Kingston is not completely full of it re: Obama’s refusal to say the Pledge and wear a flag pin. This has been known and talked about for months. I’m sure there’s more to the story, and the positive spin might be that he eschews jingoism. That’s a plus for Democratic primary voters, but you can look for the Republicans to try and hang him with it in the General. Kingston was just hinting at things to come.

  58. Ataru Atlanta Avatar
    Ataru Atlanta

    Agree completely Melanie. Also agree with the comment comparing this to the Mark and Cathy death embrace.

  59. MelGX Avatar

    I don’t think it matters who sent it out. It’s better that this photo and all others like it surface now. The thought of the Republicans throwing out stuff like this in the General is what really worries me about this candidate.

    The Democrats beat Jindall in Louisiana in ’04 with a photo like this.

    In the future, the Obama camp should respond as if they are proud of photos like this: part of his duties as a Senator, meeting with other cultures, yada yada. I don’t think they can prevail by shooting the messenger.

  60. plange Avatar

    he can’t deny it until he’s checked to make sure no low-level staffer has done this. He’s denied that top-level folks are responsible.

  61. Andisheh Nouraee Avatar

    Wolfson’s comment is not a denial. Which, in politician-speak, is an admission.

    They sent out the photo and feigning outrage at the response.


  62. plange Avatar

    If it does end up being a rogue staffer (and not some BS posted by Drudge just to keep as firing at each other) I’m going to have a hard time too. Right now I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt that no one on their staff did this (innocent until proven guilty). I only mentioned the rogue staff thing as they have to do due diligence…

  63. JerryT Avatar

    I’ve rationalized quite a bit of crap to justify my support of Sen. Clinton, but I am running out of excuses.

    “Rogue staffers”? How many rogue staffers have there been already, and what does that say about how the campaign is staffed and how a Clinton administration would be staffed?

    I would like to think that she would be a better president, but I’m not so sure anymore.

  64. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Gotcha. After you said that, I went looking and found their second response. Posted above.

  65. Kimmiega Avatar

    Please. Make. This. Be. Over. Now.

    Mark & Cathy flashback occuring…

    It’s MyDLC vs. DailyObama

    All of which are giving me a fucking headache.

  66. plange Avatar

    They responded because sadly CNN has reported it and so now they have to stop what they’re doing and respond to his claim. They could have done a better job at responding to it, I’ll admit, but it’s this kind of dirty politics that right-wingers love. They’re trying to divide us….

  67. Andisheh Nouraee Avatar

    Clinton’s campaign hasn’t denied circulating the photo. If they didn’t send it, I expect they would deny the now widespread accusation they did.

    Williams’ faux-outraged double-talk is scummy.

  68. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Ahh.. nevermind, I see what you mean.

    I agree with you that Drudge is full of shit most of the time. But considering that the Clinton campaign responded to the allegation, it must be true.

  69. plange Avatar

    The source quoted in the article you linked is Matt Drudge:

    “The picture, which appeared on the Drudge Report this morning, was attributed to sources within the Clinton campaign ‚Äì although the Web site did not reveal how many, or who, might have received the photo.”

  70. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Drudge? I never linked to him.

    Are you talking about Politico’s title, “Clinton’s response to the day’s Drudge”?

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