Why I’m Against the Death Penalty – A Case in Point

icon Because it’s humans that decide other human’s fate, I have a really hard time allowing them (us) decide the ultimate penalty: death. Right here in Georgia, we have a man, Troy Davis, who is scheduled to be executed in a couple of weeks, September 23, and his Supreme Court hearing is September 28! Talk about not being able to make it to your own trial. What makes this worse is that this guy is most likely innocent, but his guilt is definitely not beyond a reasonable doubt. He was convicted back in the early 90s of killing an off-duty police officer in Savannah on eye witness testimony. Seven of the nine eye witnesses have since recanted. Moreover, one of the non-recanters has affadavits that actually implicate him; that he boasted of doing it himself and getting away with it. In other words, a suspect in the murder is one of the non-recanters.

Read more on Counter Punch

Join Amnesty International, NAACP and others in a rally today at 6PM at the Georgia State Capitol to help save Troy’s life.

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One response to “Why I’m Against the Death Penalty – A Case in Point”

  1. Sarawaraclara Avatar

    His clemency hearing before the Board of Pardons & Paroles is this Friday. That is probably his best shot at being spared at this point. If that fails, I am sure there will be another hastily filed round of appeals. I am not sure that any habeas petition based upon “actual innocence” has ever been filed, and that will presumably be the last line of defense.

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