Profiling Atlanta Mayoral candidates: The Kasim Reed Edition

All this week, 11 Alive is profiling each of the top contenders for Atlanta Mayor. They will air a nightly piece on Kasim Reed, Mary Norwood, Jesse Spikes, Glenn Thomas, and Lisa Borders.

I’m an Atlanta voter and am currently undecided on who will get my vote. I don’t have a chosen candidate. My yard is void of any Atlanta Mayoral candidates’ yard signs and I’m ready for a yard sign that I can proudly stake in my yard.

I’m going to let the supporters of each of these candidates convince me why I should support their candidate. So if you’re a Kasim Reed supporter, please tell me why he is the best choice for Atlanta Mayor.

Money quote:

“We have done well in the violent crime space, but in terms of property and quality of life crimes that have been on the rise — destroy what we’ve worked to build,” Reed said. “I think that we have a special obligation to people who live here and have built this city, and to people who have bet on Atlanta and who have decided to make their homes here to keep the city safe.”

The city council just passed a property tax hike to pay for public safety. Reed says he won’t do it again, instead he’ll find the money within the city’s bloated budget.

“I will simply be candid and tell you this: other items would go in order for me to make sure that we have adequate police, fire services and emergency management services,” Reed said.

Let’s start the convincing. Please, let’s keep the haters and trolls to a minimum. A healthy debate is good but pure nastiness will not be tolerated. I will boot your comments if you cross my tolerance threshold.






5 responses to “Profiling Atlanta Mayoral candidates: The Kasim Reed Edition”

  1. Eric Avatar

    During the Labor Council’s screening process ALL of the candidates said they would fire the chief or that he was moving on so it wasn’t an issue. I support Kasim because he not only answered the questions right at the screening, he gave a broad view of WHY he supported labor on the issues we asked about. His record in the Senate also demonstrated that he wasn’t just a fair weather friend of Labor.Kasim has a record of being pro-working family.Non of of the other candidates that labor screened could articulate WHY they answered positively on issues we asked about which definitely left an impression that they just said what we wanted to hear.

  2. Sara Avatar

    I’m so glad you all started this topic, because I am also a confused Atlanta voter who has no idea who to support.

    But after last week’s escapee debacle, I think I can only vote for a candidate who pledges to fire Chief Pennington. The APD is a mess of furloughs, bad PR, mismanagement, and ineptitude. Getting it back on track needs to be the next mayor’s highest priority, to win my vote. Kasim Reed and Mary Norwood have both talked a good game on dealing with Atlanta’s crime problem, but I want to hear a real action plan for dealing with it that starts with a change in management at APD.

  3. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    I’m guessing the only reason Glenn is getting air time is so they can do one of these every day this week.

    Kasim’s jacket doesn’t fit.

  4. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Thank you clwoods.

    I’m a fan of Senator Reed’s work in the Georgia Senate and agree with much of what you say about him.

    What’s missing both in what you write, and on the issues section of his website, is any description of what he plans to do assure that Atlanta thrives.

    There is a lot what *needs* to be done, but no path to how it will *get* done.

  5. clwoods Avatar

    well it is now well after midnight and i am quite tired so please forgive my lack of eloquence. i wanted to post a brief comment about why i support state senator kasim reed for mayor of atlanta. the main point i would like to make (which should be the main point we consider in this race) is that kasim (yes i call him kasim) is the only person in this race who has a formidable record of leadership coupled with integrity. kasim began demonstrating his propensity for setting goals and achieving them early on as exhibited by his academic and business pursuits in college and law school. he later became one of the youngest members of the georgia general assembly where he honed his leadership skills and political acumen in order to work for the betterment of the people of georgia. in the georgia state legislature kasim sponsored and cosponsored legislation that not only positively impacted the city of atlanta but the state as a whole. kasim always made it a point to be educated on the issues, proactive and fair. he was elected to the state house before the age of 30 and diligently worked his way up to the state senate. kasim served on some of the most influential committees like judiciary and education in the house, and ethics, judiciary and state and local government operations in the senate. he worked across party lines to pass legislation in an often hostile political environment; and often the very things that made him feel embattled were the very things that motivated and emboldened him. he did not break under pressure nor did he back down when he pushed for ethics reform in state and local governments; fervently supported the hate crimes bill; vehemently opposed the restrictive voter ID bill; aggressively pushed against readding the confederate battle emblem to the georgia flag; supported green and environmentally friendly laws. these are just a few, and i mean few, of his important pieces of legislation. as someone who has watched him in action while working at the capitol and in the community for several years, i am constantly impressed with his ability to forge ahead, be progressive and take into consideration the needs of the diverse people and communities of this state. i am also inspired to push myself, as a young, african american female, to do more and accomplish more while not forgetting to honor those upon whose coattails i ride. kasim is a true atlantan in the best sense, representing the qualities that have placed us at the crossroads of fascinating african american history and civil rights; true southern hospitality and respect; international relations and diplomacy; commerce and exchange; education and art; perseverance and steadfastness. people can argue off-topic and off-issue until they are blue in the face but i encourage people to be astute in their assessments and political choices. it is not about who grins the most or who delivers rhetoric with no practical vision or substantive plans. we are smarter than that and should want more than that; and i haven’t even begun to talk about his vision yet.

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