Month: January 2010

  • There *Is* a Senate Race In GA This Year Right?

    And by “this year”, I mean in, like, nine and a half months. I mean, yeah, I’ve got it, we’ve put a few too many of our eggs in one basket, but still… Have we straight up conceded this race? I mean no offense to Mr. Hadley and the work he’s been putting in (though…

  • Cong. Hank Johnson’s Greatest Hits – Vol. 1

    Or Congressman Hank Johnson gets crunked. Jules has alerted me to Cong. Hank Johnson’s campaign song for his re-election campaign. Hear it here. Not bad. Not as crazy as the worst political campaign song evah. So how ya gonna top that Snuggles? Here are the lyrics to Cong. Johnson’s campaign song: Hank Johnson – Taking…

  • The Sounds of Ka-Ching coming from the Barnes HQ

    Prepare your wallets for a fundraising email from the Roy Barnes’ campaign. Barnes is going to be asking for some funds because Rasmussen continues to report that he is the leading Democrat in the Governor’s race and now “Barnes attracts 42% or 43% of the vote when matched against any of the top Republican hopefuls.”…

  • Citizens United v. FEC: SCOTUS says corporations have free speech rights, too

    Today, the Supreme Court issued a long-awaited ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, the case about “Hillary: the Movie” that decided whether restrictions upon corporate financing of political advertising impermissibly infringed upon the first amendment rights of those corporations. The 5-4 decision upheld the disclosure and disclaimer portions of the campaign finance law for corporate-financed…

  • I’m not a pundit.

    But I play one on the internets. I suppose it’s easy to look back and find all the faults with the way health care reform was handled by President Obama, Congress, and The Senate. So, here’s my perspective. I believe the focus that they chose was completely off-base. Sure, it’s staggering how many citizens of…

  • Redefining Republican?

    You can add Cindy McCain to the list of people I never thought would participate in the NOH8 campaign, which promotes marriage equality by taking semi-glamour shot photos of celebrities with duct tape over their mouth. In related news, Meghan McCain is due to speak at George Washington next month under the topic of, “Redefining…