The Book

gamchange.jpgI was given a copy for my birthday ( thank you, Melanie), and lawdy I swear I didn’t put it down till I’d read all 448 pages. It was so grippingly good I lugged it on a plane. When was the last time you traveled with a hardback book?

Is it gossipy? You betcha

Is it insider baseball? Heck ya!

Did I already know most of it, kind a.. but the way it’s written filled it in with a larger context that would have been impossible to see in the middle of the campaign.

Will it bring you right back to the thrills and chills of 2008- well it sure did for me.

My copy went out on loan last week and I doubt I’ll see it back for some time.

If you are not in line for my copy, and headed off to get one, please shop responsibly and purchase at a independent book dealer in your neighborhood. In the metro Atlanta area, we love to shop at A Cappella Books in Little 5.

If you’ve already read it… what did you think? If you haven’t, will you?






9 responses to “The Book”

  1. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Why would anyone have had doubts about Hilldog’s campaign?

  2. TimC Avatar

    I’m starting it today, and I’m perfectly happy knowing that it’s gossip.

  3. Zaid Avatar

    “Nice hate on you two”

    This book did nothing but fuel gossip-based hate.

  4. Mel Avatar

    Am about 3/4 through and so far it’s confirmed all my worst fears about the Clinton campaign.

    Anyone who had “skin” in the 2008 Presidential race won’t be able to read it without wincing.

  5. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Pretty silly & largely unsourced & unsubstantiated gossip. So I’m in agreement with the others here too. BTW: Same offer I made to Catherine on the JJ post applies to you or folks you know who need to go solo, if needed. JMP

  6. Jules Avatar

    Nice hate on you two

  7. Zaid Avatar

    The only good thing from the earthquake was its knocking these assholes and their book off the airwaves.

  8. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    I think you’re the only one who couldn’t put it down.

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