Boob(s) of the Week

The Obama administration.

The Obama administration said Sunday it would seek a law allowing investigators to interrogate terrorism suspects without informing them of their rights, as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. flatly asserted that the defendant in the Times Square bombing attempt was trained by the Taliban in Pakistan.

Hell, even Bush didn’t have the audacity to suggest this.

Just to review with Obama…

  • PATRIOT ACT is bad…so we’ll extend it.
  • Gitmo is a war crime, but we’re not going to close it.
  • Domestic surveillance is unconstitutional… but we have to use it
  • Military tribunals…eh, what’s not to love!

Change we can believe in folks!


2 responses to “Boob(s) of the Week”

  1. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince


    But hey, those pesky & very crazy NoKoreans may have just been responsible for sinking the SoKorean 1,200-ton naval corvette Cheonan, which rapidly sank March 26, killing 46 sailors & ripping the ship in half.


  2. JerryT Avatar

    Jeez, those guys must get up there and get some really bad-news briefings. It’s scary. The story line must go something like this:

    – There’s a bunch of nuke material unaccounted for, especially from Russia.

    – We have no way of tracking it down since our intelligence in most of the parts of world that would use something like that is pretty much non-existent.

    – There’s apparently some pretty substantial funding behind some efforts to acquire a nuke.

    – N. Korea will sell ANYTHING to ANYBODY for a price.

    – We only control something like 10% of our border.

    I’m not justifying these decisions, just trying to imagine why everybody seems to panic once they get top secret clearance.

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