Open Thread

x610.jpgCould not resist pimping this picture of the President, kissing a baby in a Buffalo restaurant. Yes he had the wings, duh. Oh and got hit on.

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry over this.

I’m already sick of the Democratic primary, especially the AG race. Seriously.

At least none of our candidates are looking for running mates on Craigslist. Note, if you click on this guys site, you might get some of the crazy on you.

Summer is almost here, and you might be tempted to want this Mosquito-zapping gizmo, featured at TED recently, but it’s being developed to prevent the spread of malaria.

Yes, I know Nathan needs DFI.

Iron Man 2 was great, but I’m miffed that AC/DC refuses to make their music available on ITunes. Back in Black and Highway to Hell have been stuck in my head since Sunday. Annoying.






7 responses to “Open Thread”

  1. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    The Party of Thuggery & Vandals strikes again: Why we know them as the Rethugs:

    Still More on the amazing arrogance, willful ignorance & proud vandalism of a Maine middle school classroom:

    “May 12

    Nemitz: Call it class struggle: How politics went too far

    By Bill Nemitz

    Never. EVER. Trust any Rethug to actually ‘oversee’ Public education. Most simply don’t believe in it as a ‘human value’ or even as a ‘right’ of citizenship.


  2. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    The work of moderate Rethugs here:

    “Maine GOP Forced To Apologize After Convention-Goers Vandalize An Eighth-Grade Classroom”:

    [This was after a caucus in the King Middle School in Portland]


  3. EPXblog Avatar

    Love your site! I’ve got my own that focuses on local city government called East Point Examined. Check it out sometime:

  4. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    FYI: The Chattooga County Democratic Party will host their annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Saturday May 15th. This year’s keynote speaker is Roy Barnes.

    Tickets are $15 and include dinner. If you don’t have a ticket yet, contact party chairman Tim Shiflett at or call 706-857-4605

    The dinner will be held at 7pm at Pop’s Buffet House on Commerce Street in Summerville.

    Please make plans to attend and forward this email to anyone who might be interested.

    Our website is back up! Please visit it and keep coming back as we update it.

    Please look for us on Face book!

    Tim says: “Pop’s is located almost directly across the street from the courthouse. Look for the big red sign”.


  5. BEZERKO Avatar

    Hey, somebody gets it.

    ‘Moderate…is one of the most pointless and annoying labels ever invented’

  6. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    The other hidden fav of the week: Economics in 1-4 easy lessons.

    Lesson 1: Deregulation=Money flowing upwards to the credit holding classes & the rich in general. And 30+ years on? That’s quite an effective ‘industrial’ & ‘political-economic’ policy, that works to the advantage of mainly wealthy Repug voters. All the time. Everywhere. Simple graph here:

    “Explaining Inequality Trends: Pretty Simple?

    May 7, 2010

    by Scott Winship”

    Economics in 4 easy Graphs: Via James Kwak in the Huff Post:

    “James Kwak

    Co-author of The Baseline Scenario and of 13 Bankers

    Posted: April 15, 2010

    ’13 Bankers’ In 4 Pictures: Why Wall Street Profits Are Out Of Whack”:


  7. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    One of my favs for the week:

    “Red Families v. Blue Families

    Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture

    Naomi Cahn and June Carbone”

    Turns out once again that most of those ‘lib’ Blue states have more conventionally’conservative’ family values than the wild & woolly Red ones. And oh BTW? This has been true for a long time as well. They don’t call it Southern Gothic for nothing


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