Tag: politics

  • Hillary Kills Cats and Other Morning Reads

    Apparently our President wants to blow-up small countries? Norquist is crazy, POTUS only wants to blow up the BIG ones…duh. Hillary had a cat assassinated…yeah, right…next! The US Treasury made a bundle off the AIG bailout. h/t to Billy for this one. The National Counterterrorism Center just got new authority to pull more of your…

  • RIP Piccolo

    When we think about the Civil Rights heroes of the 1960s most of us think about MLK, Rosa Parks, The Little Rock Nine and countless others. They are often said to have been “on the front lines” of the Movement. Yesterday, we lost a man who never left that front line.  John Pierce simply known…

  • The Intersection of Religion and Politics

    In the interest of starting a controversy for no reason, I’d like to talk about religion and politics, especially in regards to Democratic politics. Before we get started on this existential journey, fire up the following track, helpfully embedded from Youtube. Just let it play in the background as you read, it’s important for the…

  • Interesting

    In my heavily Republican precinct, at 8 a.m. this morning, there was one person waiting to vote, and one other person leaving. I’ve seen more people there for a SPLOST vote. I don’t presume that this anecdotal snapshot predicts low turn out statewide, but it’s interesting. Certainly, if turnout is low in Middle and South…

  • Sister-to-Sister for Yasmin Neal

    In politics, it’s a nice feeling the weekend before an election when something like this starts happening organically. Kim Carter, who some of you may know from her various activities and service as an Obama delegate, has taken it upon herself to organize a “Sister-to-Sister” phone bank for Yasmin Neal in an effort to encourage…

  • RED Alert!!

    I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not see Democrats in one of the bluest districts in Georgia, HD75, elect a self-described “pro-life, pro-NRA, constitutionalist” who just eight months ago ran for the same seat as a Republican, who misrepresented his employment on his website (but changed it since he and I chatted on…