Tag: Polls

  • New Poll

    I view this as good news.

  • 1/4 of Americans Still Idiots

    25% of Americans have doubts Obama was born in America. The baseline percentage of idiots in America has always been around 25% or so (number of people who think 9/11 was an inside job, believe they’ve made contact with aliens etc.) Glad to see we don’t have any more idiots than we normally do. I…

  • Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark.

    538 responds to Towery’s response. This is a bit of a circuitous path but just work with me… First, Nate Silver at 538 released their Pollster Ratings. Matt Towery’s outfit, InsiderAdvantage was second-to-last on the list (above Zogby Internet Polling). So then, according to Mr Silver (the link is “Under Construction” now): The polling firm…

  • News you can use

    Taking a quick look at political developments from outside Georgia . . .