Tag: republican

  • Trick or Treat

    A new ad from the DPG to air over the weekend during Horror Movie marathons. Love it! h/t Julianal. Longer web version is here.

  • Pants vs. Britches

    Let’s face it. Karen Handel ran a great race, and she was by far her party’s strongest candidate, but now, she will sit on the sidelines and watch while Barnes takes Deal apart. In coming days, there will be analysis ad nauseam regarding why Karen Handel was unable to win her party’s nomination. It could…

  • Say Anything

    She filps, she flops, but make no mistake about it – Karen Handel is the most liberal of the Republican candidates for Governor. Now, that might be a littleĀ like saying Macon is the coolest spot in Georgia today, but it’sĀ the truth. Karen can say whatever she wants about the emails where she makes clear her…