Month: August 2009

  • Farewell

    The program will open with an undated quote from Kennedy: “For all my years in public life, I have believed that America must sail toward the shores of liberty and justice for all. There is no end to that journey, only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us, but…

  • Have we really overcome?

    The Atlanta Mayor’s race has heated up over the past 24 hours because of a memo written by a few grumpy old men who believe they can still control Atlanta’s political arena. The “Black Leadership Forum’s” memo to Atlanta Black leaders is riddled with many assumptions, misinformation, and untruths to be even taken seriously as…

  • Did healthcare reform die with Kennedy?

    “The dream shall never die,” was the ringing declaration once made by Sen. Ted Kennedy. But with Kennedy’s death from brain cancer at age 77, his dream of universal health insurance coverage for all citizens may well have died with him.

  • More bad news from the education front

    You could look for years without finding a Georgia politician who’s done more to earn an “F” on their report card than state school Supt. Kathy Cox.

  • 89 Years Ago Today, American Women Win the Right to Vote

    Today marks the 89th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Ratified in 1920, the amendment gave women the right to vote. Women had been gaining suffrage, or the right to vote, on a state-by-state basis throughout the early 20th century, but the amendment granted all U.S. women full voting rights. It took…

  • Fist Up Father Roy

    Father Roy Bourgeois whose support for women’s ordination has him in trouble with the Catholic Church ratcheted up his confrontation with the hierarchy yesterday, August 24, 2009. “If they choose to kick me out of the church because I believe that men and women are equal, so be it,” Bourgeois said. “I will never be…