Author: Amy Morton

  • Based on What, Exactly?

    I’m going to have to take issue with a Georgia journalist who I admire. Yesterday, Jim Galloway posted a piece titled, “The bulletproof candidacy of Nathan Deal.” Bulletproof based on what ? That he hasn’t quit? Galloway makes the point that despite all the problems with Deal’s finances and ethics that have been reported in…

  • Hate Speech

    Be prepared for Andre’ Walker to call me a drama queen. I don’t care. I’ve sat on this for several hours because honestly, I didn’t want to give Andre’ the attention he is probably seeking. But, he’s crossed a line, and because he holds official positions in the Democratic Party, I want to make it…

  • If you’re the Republican I’ve been told you are…

    Either my husband, the 8th Congressional District Chair for the DPG, is living a secret life, or the GOP’s targeting is really off. Today, he got a mailer from-wait for it-Sharron Angle urging him to give money to help her defeat Harry Reid. She begins her appeal like this: Dear Daryl Morton, If you’re the…

  • Chicken

    What does Nathan Deal say would be his toughest job as governor?  Creating jobs in a tough economy? Nope. Fixing transportation? No. Improving our schools? Not a chance. In August, in a moment of rare candor, Nathan Deal told the crowd at the Georgia Forward Forum in Macon: … the toughest thing about being governor…

  • Outrageous

    Ralph Hudgens wants to be elected Insurance Commissioner. That we know. What he doesn’t want is to mandate that insurance companies provide coverage for things like maternity coverage, breast reconstruction, pap smears or mammograms. Why? Because he doesn’t need those things. Good to know who’s side Ralph is on. Put this on the long list…

  • “Government in the Bedroom? Hell no.”

    Think that was a liberal Democrat? Nope. I just heard Charlie Crist on MSNBC criticize the Florida legislature for the bill requiring an ultrasound before an abortion, and requiring that the women pay for it. His response? “Tax cuts? Hell yes.” Government in the bedroom? Hell no.” I’m liking that messaging.