Author: BatGurl

  • 32 Synonyms for Petulant

    I might use all of them to describe how I feel about THE Mayor of Georgia’s recent comments about the upcoming Governors race. Let’s clear this up right now Batgurl™ is no fan of hizzoner. So, if you are one of his many drooling toady fan boys please stop reading now. It only gets worse from here. Trust me.

  • What? Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it is!

    Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! (Sen. John Blutarsky) This just in from the Tip Line. “Chairman Porter will have to resign his seat on the DNC, and a new election called for his replacement.” So folks, if your summer was ruined by the election shenanigans of today….we can look…

  • PolitiFac: DPG Chairman’s Race

    A note for anyone confused: This isn’t an evaluation made by PolitiFact the organization, but could rather be considered BatGurl’s tryout for PolitiFact.  Nothing said here represents the opinion of the writers over at the AJC. With the Democratic Party of Georgia Chair election quickly approaching, it is unsurprising that there is some misinformation spreading…

  • Steve Golden endorses DuBose Porter for DPG Chair

    Steve Golden, the President of the Young Democrats of Georgia and member of the DPG Executive Committee, has endorsed DuBose Porter to be the next Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia. An e-mail from Mr. Golden follows: Friends, Since I became involved with politics in the state of Georgia, DuBose Porter has been one…

  • The Backstreet Boys and other 90’s memes are back.

    It’s very hard to type and clutch your pearls at the same time, but I’ll give it a try. Our long wait is over, she’ s in. I opened my email yesterday from about 30 different people to find this story  and then see it was blasted all over Facebook. Most people seem really happy…

  • Names that Matter

    BatGurl here!  Alive and well.  (Be honest, you thought I was gone, didn’t you?) Given all the commenting going on down below, seems like as good a time as any to actually talk about names that matter. The Chair of the DPG can do some things to help elect Democrats in Georgia, but it does…