Author: Ed

  • Open Letter to the Georgia Young Republicans

    Dear Sirs: I would like to commend you for the stellar, bang-up work you guys are doing lately. DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Tangela Barrie took a parental tone with the feuding board of the Georgia Young Republicans Friday, telling both sides, in effect, to  use your words. It was the second time in seven…

  • Congressional Maps

    They are here. (PDF) Have at it.

  • Inside the New York Times

    Wow. Today’s was fantastic. Added bonus: usually spend about 2.25 hours reading it, this was north of three. FTW. Is there anyone who doubts Qadaffi is donezo? ETA: Rebels are now in Tripoli, claim they have Qadaffi’s son. Wut? Rick Perry is rewarding donors with political perks? Well I never! This is just heartbreaking. An…

  • Drug Traffickers Continue to Prove They’re Scum

    Few stories ever make me legitimately sad. This is one of them. Earlier this year, aerial photosof a newly discovered tribe living in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest electrified the internet. Now that entire tribe, numbering around 200, has gone missing—and a panicking Brazilian government fears that cocaine smugglers are to blame. The evidence is chilling. A…

  • Goodbye Cynthia Tucker

    Cynthia Tucker has left The Atlanta Journal-Constitution building*. She will begin teaching at UGA’s Grady College of Journalism this week. Now I don’t read opinion pieces and I don’t really share her political leanings but it is never good for a paper when a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist leaves, to state the obvious. Good luck…

  • A Follow Up

    I found Mel’s post pretty interesting in a macabre way and I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Also, it helped that I couldn’t sleep last night and around 2AM the following post hit me. While I have no doubt that Twitter is siphoning off readership from the blogs, I think the Dem/lefty blog…