Author: Juliana

  • Democratic Candidate Meet-N-Greet

  • The Good, The Bad & the Ugly: Part 2

    The Good A packed ballroom in Columbus for the Young Democrats of Georgia’s annual Convention this past Saturday. So much positive energy in the room with smart interesting people speaking and watching many of my friends getting well deserved awards. VERY GOOD. Tonight is the first night of Passover and an excellent time to discuss…

  • #GOP #Rebrand #Fail

    The Republicans seem to have their hands full with a number of problematic bills and elected officials littering the legislatures and creating all sorts of unpleasant press droppings.  Some are witty and some not so much. Lets take a quick look at the “rebranding” targets to see how things as going shall we. Rebranding with…

  • Georgia Democratic Party News

    Hey, look at that we’ve got a few bucks! The Democratic Party of Georgia reported raising more than $181,000 on the Federal report during the month of December, with more than $216,000 cash on hand. Combined with Non-federal figures released earlier this month, Georgia Democrats have entered 2014 with more than $404,000 cash on hand.…

  • Special Delivery of Eye Roll

    Congressman Paul Broun is back in the news, again, and not for anything MENSA related. Speaking of MENSA candidates, you can’t mail meth to the pokey. Throw me a bone people, your 2002 retro newsletter is bad. Happy New Year, it’s 2014 and this is useful. See the difference. Lighten up Prince. Seriously, you can’t control everything or every dime, you’re not…

  • Georgia Political Plug-in for Citizen Activists

    Turns out I’m not the last person in America to believe in Representative Government.  Who knew there are others like me; weird and strange creatures who think it’s cool, fun, sexy and thrilling to be a citizen activist for causes and issues. However I realize some of you are not as grizzled as I am and…