Category: 2014

  • The Backstreet Boys and other 90’s memes are back.

    It’s very hard to type and clutch your pearls at the same time, but I’ll give it a try. Our long wait is over, she’ s in. I opened my email yesterday from about 30 different people to find this story  and then see it was blasted all over Facebook. Most people seem really happy…

  • Names that Matter

    BatGurl here!  Alive and well.  (Be honest, you thought I was gone, didn’t you?) Given all the commenting going on down below, seems like as good a time as any to actually talk about names that matter. The Chair of the DPG can do some things to help elect Democrats in Georgia, but it does…

  • Hey, look here we’ve already had the Alice in Wonderland post once! Now on to Oz!

    Apparently I was too hasty, and should have waited for “Wonderland” to have two possible three new residents, none named Nunn. Welcome to Oz. I realize the Republican guys beat me to the punch on “Dr. Rad” and  a Mr.  John F. Coyne, III. First up, Dr. Rad “says he won’t have any ties to the “machine”…

  • Greetings from Michigan!

    Hello, everyone. For those of you who don’t already, make sure you add Michigan based Eclectablog to your daily reading list…  Eclectablog is the home of the much beloved Twitter account LOLGOP…  and I link to them about a billion times in this post. A couple of weeks ago, I was able to tell Louis…

  • Red? Blue? Purple.

    You’ve heard them, the Democrats claiming “we’re going to turn Georgia blue” in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018…  I grew tired of this trumpeting in 2009 when we first started hearing about the demographic shift; the popularity of President Obama; the promise of Governor Barnes.  Every Democrat wants to hear this.  It makes us feel…

  • Poor, Impotent and Supporting Republicans

    That was the answer to the question posed by the Atlanta Press Club last evening “What is the Future of the Democratic Party of Georgia”. Our illustrious Chairman answered for all of us by saying the following: On fundraising: “I’m in the nonprofit business. I’m not interested in banking as much money as I possibly can,” the…