Category: Civil Rights

  • That Scottish Play

    Shakespeare’s Macbeth, also known as “The Scottish Play” or “That Scottish Play”, seem to resonate with me quite keenly these days. So many headlines fit neatly inside the many quotes. Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Screw your courage to the sticking-place. What’s done is done. Out, damned spot! Out, I say! Add your…

  • Just a reminder

    On this day in history, 1961 two buses left Washington DC with seven blacks and six whites from Washington, D.C., bound for the Deep South. They intended to test the Supreme Court’s ruling in Boynton v. Virginia (1960), which declared segregation in interstate bus and rail stations unconstitutional.  Thus began the “Freedom Rides”.  Georgia’s own Congressman…

  • Fighting Back-The War on Women

    Last week I became aware of a entirely organic grassroots organization called Unite Against the War on Women. It began with just two women and has blossomed quickly into coordinated events in all 50 states calling for women and men to speak up, speak out to end the War on Women. While some could argue…

  • Weekend Open Thread

    Patenting “Chicago Style” Politics. I hope they make a zillion dollars. Mayor Corey Booker, hero. Too bad he’s not our JJ Speaker. Your move Mayor Reed. War on Women, yes it’s real. Don’t change the subject. Oh, don’t call yourself a feminist if you spend most of your time judging the choices of other women. Ashley…

  • Representative Terry England

    Imagine a woman. Your sister, your best bud’s wife, a friend from college.  She and her husband are expecting.  She’s 5 months along.  They’re decorating the nursery, picking out names and are giddy with anticipation.  Then, their worst fears come true.   At a routine check-up, it’s discovered that the baby no longer has a heartbeat. …

  • And now, an opportunity to bash a Republican

    Let’s talk about abortion for a moment.  I’ve said before that I’m personally pro-life, in that if I were a woman faced with a pregnancy, I probably would have difficulty in terminating the pregnancy.  But I’m not a woman.  I’m not pregnant.  I don’t know how it feels to be pregnant and in a tough…