Category: DPG

  • We’ve got video!

    The DPG Chair Candidate Forum was a great success yesterday!  It was standing room only as we gathered to hear from the four candidates, RJ Hadley, Dubose Porter, Mary Squires, and Doug Stoner.  However, not everyone was able to attend, so it was videotaped!  Many thanks to volunteer, Billie Islam, for taking charge of the…

  • DPG Chair Candidate Forum

    This just in…. DPG Chair Candidate Forum – Saturday, August 3 The Democratic Women’s Council, the LGBT Caucus of the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Young Democrats of Georgia, and the 5th Congressional District Caucus invite all State Committee members, Executive Committee members, area elected officials, and interested Democrats to a moderated forum for officially qualified candidates…

  • Names that Matter

    BatGurl here!  Alive and well.  (Be honest, you thought I was gone, didn’t you?) Given all the commenting going on down below, seems like as good a time as any to actually talk about names that matter. The Chair of the DPG can do some things to help elect Democrats in Georgia, but it does…

  • Tune into Kudzu Vine tonight!

    DPG Interim Chair, Nikema Williams, will be our guest co-host tonight on Kudzu Vine at 7:00 PM.  Our usual host, David McLaughlin is off and Ms Williams generously agreed to join us for the full hour. We’ll talk briefly about the upcoming DPG elections and current state of the party.  We’ll then move on to…

  • Don’t Shoot the Messenger

    Georgia Democrats have at least one thing to be thankful for these days, or more specifically, one person. In the midst of very troubling times for our party, it’s comforting to know we have a first vice chair who is both willing and able to steer the ship away from the rocks, conduct a fair…

  • In Defense of Rules

    I haven’t written here recently, as I have been busy being Presidential.  But, as the Young Democrats of America Rules Vice Chair, and an all-around Bylaws and Parliamentary Procedure wonk, I felt like I should weigh in publicly on this issue. I haven’t yet decided who I will be supporting in the Democratic Party of…