Category: Entertainment

  • Events, Events, Events!

    I don’t recall an August so full of events that didn’t include a election run off! Tonight, our friends at Red Clay Democrats have this event for your pleasure: Come join us and fellowship with other like minded Red Clays at Manuel’s Tavern on North Highland on Tuesday August 2, 2011. The Happy Hour will…

  • Snark Thursday

    Sigh, where to begin this week? Consensus is, “Hey good luck with that” Good Lawd, what’s this world coming to when CSPAN asks Breibart a “gotcha” question? When your last name is Weiner, try not to act like one. Yes, I am still grumpy that they put a store in Harvey Milk’s camera shop. They should…

  • Don’t let those pesky facts hit you on the ass

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.. how you amuse us all with your mixture of mythology and psychotic babbling. Just last week  it was all at the same time. Yippee! By now I’m sure you’ve all heard about Sarah’s snafu with history on her bus tour in Boston. Well lets just say, in all fairness, what most folks…

  • Inherit the Wind

    Georgia Ensemble Theatre presents Inherit the Wind, which debuted on Thursday and runs through March 13th. A fictionalized account of the Scopes Monkey Trial, Inherit the Wind “tells the story of Americans in conflict: what happens when our right to think for ourselves and exchange ideas is threatened? Do we celebrate our differences? Or do…

  • RIP Alvin Greene’s Political Career

    I am extremely saddened to report that this is probably the end of the road for Alvin Greene. In his recent bid for state house, Greene only managed to receive 37 votes or .09%. Quite frankly, I wonder whether the 37 were relatives or just knuckleheads. Alvin Green, we hardly knew ye.

  • Weekend Open Thread

    So what’cha up to this weekend? I know that some of the BFD faithful have lit off to NOLA for ElectionPalooza, their friends can follow the debauchery and tall tales via Twitter, Facebook and likely a few texts. Someday I hope to join in the fun, hum maybe 2012. Tomorrow morning ( Saturday) I’ll be…