Category: National Security

  • Honor Our Veterans with a Stable Economic Future

    by Sandra Givens Scott, a state representative in Georgia and a member of the Women Legislators’ Lobby, a program of Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND). As a veteran, I have some particular worries about how our nation is meeting the needs of our men and women in uniform and their families. The political brinkmanship Congress…

  • Today is a today of reflection and remembrance.

    Today makes me sad. Reading about loved ones lost and lives shattered. 11 years ago today many of us were trying to wrap our heads around what had just occurred. We became a changed nation. There really isn’t anything that I can write here that hasn’t been said already by folks a lot better at…

  • Meanwhile in the Low country

    This is real f’ed up.

  • The saddest five minutes

    Of political tv you will ever watch.   By minute two I was yelling at the screen.

  • How is this NOT front page news?

    Georgia Militiamen Arrested in Major Domestic Terror Plot Four members of an unnamed North Georgia militia planned to attack cities including Atlanta with deadly ricin, bomb federal buildings and murder law enforcement officials and others, according to charges leveled yesterday. The four elderly men were arrested after a lengthy investigation that began last March, when…

  • The Lighter Side: Taking Their Licks

    What with all the bickering on the other thread, I figured it was time for a little levity.  From the AJC: Decatur Police were called to the grounds of the old historic courthouse around noon when a suspicious package was reported on the lawn. The package was wrapped in duct tape, Deputy Police Chief Keith…