Category: Special Election 2017

  • Oh Dear, Oh Very Dear

    Dear candidates, would be candidates, elected officials and campaign staff, I love you, but some of you have forgotten some very basic social constructs. A couple of you have been spotted engaging in what I’d term less than graceful behavior. Campaign season is now a 12 month a year spectator sport, referees are self appointed,…

  • Welcome To the Jungle, Special Election Edition ~Part 1

    Auntie Batgurl has had enough of all you junior political consultants on TwitterBook and there’s not enough coffee in the fever swamps aka recent political meetings to keep repeating myself. I’m going to do my best to address all your questions and concerns in this handy FAQ about the “possible” special Jungle election in the…

  • When History & Data No Longer Matter

    Nope, I’m not talking about PEOTUS and how he got elected. I’m talking about the ludicrous number of  Democrats seeking election in the Georgia 6th Congressional District. I simply can’t find one historical fact based data point to encourage a Democrat to run in this special election. The 6th is a R+ 14 district on…