HB 1 hearings

10:00 am. I’m here at the hearings. It’s not really a hearing like you see on C-Span. There’s a video camera and a podium with a microphone for the speaker.

The audience is 99% White (that 1% is me) and 75% women; mainly older women.

There seems to be a theme with all the speakers: Pre Abortion – an unplanned pregnancy, not informing anyone until it was too late, afraid of their parents, bad abortion process by either the Midtown Clinic or Planned Parenthood. Post abortion – drugs, alcohol, unhealthy relationships, and finding Jesus.

For some reason these women all believed that an abortion would be a “quick fix to solve their problems”.

I’m not sure how long I can listen to these testimonies without calling “bullshit” out loud! I feel their pain, but I don’t agree with their sanctimonius right to save Georgia women.

10:15 am – ok this wasn’t the start of the hearings. I just sat through the Christian Coalition warmup – YIKES!!! The actual hearing starts at 11 am. Right now, the Christian Coalition is about to have a prayer vigil right here in this room. Anyone who knows me well, knows my strong belief in the separation of church and state.


10:30 am – Now they are singing.

10:54 am – they so know that I’m not “with” them. They just can’t figure out who I am “with”. It’s quite hysterical. I’m laughing my butt off on the inside and wearing this smirk on the outside.

11:02 am – ok they are now praying for State Rep. Bobby Franklin and pray that the rest of the legislators can all stand together. They are 2 Black men in attendance wearing we support “HB 1” stickers. One of the Black guys is actually crying during the prayer. Chile, don’t make me slap this fool with the crocodile tears.

11:06 am – oh the other Black guy is State Rep. Melvin Everson (Gwinnett). He’s sitting at the podium with Bobby Franklin. Now the crying Black guy is doing the opening prayer. He asked for everyone to stand – I’m not!! I believe in God but I don’t believe in opening these hearings with a prayer.

11:08 am – ok where the hell are our people? I don’t see any Choice or Planned Parenthood people.

11:09 am – Rep. Melvin Everson believes that “without a shadow of a doubt that this bill is the right thing to do for Georgia”. punkass.

11:11 am – now Bobby Franklin is saying that our rights come from God and not from government. And that is why the legislators are in session right now.

11:12 am – ok I see Rashard from Planned Parenthood. I feel safer. Got a little backup if any stuff goes down.

11:13 am – Bobby F. gets a round of applause when he says “I look forward to seeing when HB 1 becomes law in the State of Georgia”.

Side Comment – Shelby I moved up from a crackberry today. I’m using a laptop.

11:17 am – ok, ya’ll can find me at the Ponce de Leon Police Station cause I’m about to hurt Melvin. That fool just said “can you imagine if the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. was aborted? Where would be without civil rights. We need to right this wrong because too many lives have been lost.”

11:24 am – Alveda King, black woman, used to be a State Rep. in Georgia and says that her uncle was MLK, Jr. No shit. Now she is quoting his words. She said that Dr. King accepted an award from Planned Parenthood even though PP has always lied. She said that she has had 2 abortions. But since she has become “Born Again” now she can hear babies crying and screaming in her head. When she was about to have a 3rd abortion, MLK, Jr.’s dad, Big Daddy (her grandaddy), slammed his hand on the table and told her that she wasn’t going to kill her baby. *someone google this chick*. She claims that abortion can’t be stopped because in America there is a covenant with death. Apparently, this chick uses her relationship in the King Family as her calling card and why people listen to her. Well, she has all these white ladies just a bobbing their heads up and down in agreement with her testimony.

11:37 am – some chick from the Justice Foundation is rambling on about why these women are here today.

11:43 am – this chick claims that if abortion wasn’t made legal by our government then they wouldn’t have a chosen an abortion.

11:44 am – yeah Maggie Garrett is here and she’s sitting next to me.

11:45 am – uh oh Bobby F. just quoted the PP email and said “the abortion industry is saying that we are basing our opinion on junk sciences”.

11:46 am – Rep. Tom Knox is here. he supports the bill.

11:47 am – Sandra Kanu (sp?) the original Doe in Doe v. Bolton is now speaking. She claims that she only went to court to get a divorce and get her children out of foster care. Her attorney set up an abortion for her but she fled to Oklahoma. She resents her lawyer for making her name associated with the slaughter of 46 million children. She says that over the past 33 years that she has been a prisoner of that case. She is ANGRY! She said that she never wanted an abortion. That her lawyers lied and wants abortion stopped in her name because she was never crossed examined during the Supreme Court trial.

11:52 am – now we are about to watch a 6 minute video about the death industry. Bobby F. has now switched to calling Choice people, the “death industry”

11:54 am – ok this is soooo wrong. they are showing fetuses and blood and tissue and tiny fingers and tiny skeletons. this is so fucking warped. the audience is weeping and making weird moaning noises. check out this website www.abort73.com – they produced the video.

11:57 am – ok the lights came back on and Melvin and Bobby were crying. they have this “drama” thing working in their favor.

12:05 am – some lady is up giving her testimony. she’s very boring – not boring as in her story – boring as in she can’t tell an exciting story. end result: she found Jesus and realized that God must stop all the abortions now.

12:10 pm – ok some lady is up testifying and crying. She’s so happy that she adopted 2 children and saved them from an abortion death. She says that every time her children have a birthday, she goes through a “prayer season” when she prays for the women that chose adoption over abortion. Now she’s telling some story about how some woman who saw the ultrasound screen of her baby right before having an abortion had decided not to have an abortion. This is the same lady that she claims had already had 6 abortions. Oh you should have heard the audience when she said “6 abortions”. The Gainesville Crisis Center, where she works, holds a religious retreat for men to help them pre- and post abortions. She says that men who pressure women to have abortions have given up their God given gift to protect women and they are also hurting.

12:18 pm – ok now the drama testifying is about to begin. The stories that are all the same: the blood, the vacuum sound, the pressure from the abortion clinic workers, and the magic of Jesus saving them, and that they will one day hold their babies that they aborted.

12:21 pm – ok I don’t mean to sound insenstive, but I’m about to bust a gut laughing. 1. because I saw the warm-up show and these women weren’t crying. this woman is now up flooding the microphone with all her tears and just lied by saying “oh I’m so sorry for falling apart but I have never shared these stories until now”. Bullshit! I heard her during the warmup show and she sure wasn’t crying or sobbing like a nutcase like she is now. Oh she is also now blaming having little teeth in her mouth because she just didn’t care about herself after she had an abortion. Mind you this lady looks like she is in her 60’s. Now she’s going into how she has a dysfunctional family and none of her kids speak to her — all because she had an abortion in her 20’s. Kids that were not alive when she had the abortion. Oh her husband left her too.

12:30 pm – ok these women actually don’t even make any sense. Now there is this young girl at the mike telling her story. She says that she is from Lawrenceville and her father is a doctor. She got knocked up at the age of 15, but waited to tell her parents, then she finally told her mom. Well, she and her mom waited forever for the boyfriend to cough up the money for the abortion. Boyfriend never coughed up the money so the mother finally took her to the Midtown Clinic and it was too late to have a cheap abortion. The Midtown Clinic had 150 women there on the day she had an abortion. She became suicidal after the abortion. She says that her boyfriend was traumatized and came back after 4 months and raped her because she shouldn’t have aborted the first baby. Well, this time she went to PP in Roswell and they treated her great (yeah she sounded bubbly). Then after high school, she became suicidal and promiscious. You know now she’s hanging with the bad kids. But she found the Lord through some youth missions. Now she’s telling us the names of the children she aborted. oh the ladies are just a weeping now. Mind you, old girl, didn’t have 1 tear in her eyes nor did she mention any baby names during the warmup show. Yeah right. Now she is on a mission to awaken her generation about the lies of an abortion. She is slent no more.

12:44 pm – woohoo the lying is just unbelievable. a new chick is up and says at the age of 17 she had an abortion and right after she had the abortion surgery she walked down the street and back into her high school and went to classes. BULLSHIT!! She is now a Disciple of Christ and is grateful that she can now preach the word of the Lord. She says that her “child was a child and not a choice”. Oh the wisdoms she has now – even so much that she is a crisis counselor. first of all this chick said that it has been 7 years since her abortion but then just said “oh my baby would have been 3 years old”. eh? now she is quoting King “justice delayed is justice denied”. FREAK!

12:53 pm – ok I’m out of here. I’m hungry. Plus, it’s the same chicks from the warmup show.

2:00 pm – OK I’m back at office now. Safe from the Jesus freaks. SpaceyGracey, I thought you looked familiar 🙂 I knew I felt some good vibes when you were standing behind me. That other chick that kept standing behind me was sooo creeping me out. Must get a filter on the laptop so that those near me can’t see what I’m typing. John Suggs was there in the beginning. Cathy Woolard was also there at the beginning of the freak show.

You guys have no idea how hard hard it was not to shout out “oh bullshit”. Especially when the women were lying about not receiving any anesthetic during their abortions. Yeah right. None of the testifiers were 1 abortion women, oh no, these were multiple abortions women who found Jesus after their boozing and slutty days. And if it wasn’t for the almighty Jesus saving them then who knows where they would be at today. Puh- leaze!!!

You guys, and you know who I’m talking about, owe me big time!! I need several shots of Tequila to wash out the horrible sounds of women crying and lying.

The 1 thing that is stuck in my head is that chick who said her boyfriend came back after 4 months and raped her and then whispered in her ear “I hope you get pregnant again because this is what you deserve after aborting my first baby”. That shit doesn’t even make any rational sense. But boy did Bobby and Melvin soak that shit up.

One of our “friends” videotaped the freak show.

When is it our turn to testify???

Shelby, the wifi is free.

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. … – oh hell I’m not going to even go there since so many people wrongfully went there today.

UPDATE: My review of the hearings of HB 1 will remain about the hearings.



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122 responses to “HB 1 hearings”

  1. Smitty Avatar

    This thread is now closed.

  2. ProgReader1 Avatar

    This has been very educational¬Ö..

    The 16 year old daughters of single parents need a man to “fill the void”

    and are prone to getting pregnant. Very interesting.

    I’m glad to see such a generous person. More Georgians should follow your lead.

    By the way¬Ö¬Ö¬Ö

    “I know this woman Р36 years old.

    She lives with her single mother.

    She has many boy friends who fill

    the void of having men in her

    life. She has sex with them and

    She gets pregnant…¬î

    Will you take her in too? She has a drug problem and convictions for burglary and assault…you wouldn’t discriminate against a woman in need would you?

    By the way, the child will most likely have severe physical and developmental disabilities due to the mothers drug use. I’m sure you can pray these away. Being the wonderful person that you are, you wouldn’t discriminate against a child with disabilities would you ?

  3. DVann Avatar

    Posted by: CatherineAtlanta at January 9, 2007 02:20 PM


    NARAL Pro-Choice Georgia was indeed at the hearing. When we arrived the proceedings had just begun. They were in the middle of praying when we arrived.

    We had materials, including bumper stickers and magnets but did not come there to protest, but rather observe and give information negating the anti choice stance to the press and constituency members that were there.

    We received media coverage based on our blog posts and media release.

    We sent alerts to our members letting them know but not asking them to organize in protest, but observe and resist.

    I am surprised you missed us because we were two of the only African-American women in the room. And I have Locs.

    NARAL has traditionally been a middle class, white woman organization and that may have thrown you off.

    The testimonies were hard to stomach having been raped and hearing them say that the violators wants women to have an abortion if they become pregnant and some how that covers crime. Thus we should have an abortion nor do we need to consider it if we are survivors of rape or incest.


    Hope to meet you at a pro choice lobby day.

  4. SojournerTruth Avatar


    I know this girl – 16 years old.

    She lives with her single mother.

    She has a boy friend who fills

    the void of having a man in her

    life. She has sex with him and

    She gets pregnant…

    She tells him and he rejects het.

    He just wanted to have fun. She

    just wanted to feel the love of

    a man. Neither planned

    on a baby.

    Now what???? What if….

    What if I told you that I had a lot

    of money and a large home. I would

    take this girl in and take care of

    all of here medical bills, food,

    clothes, hair appointments, pedicures,

    messages, and when she had the baby…

    I had a great family who was ready to

    take the baby in. The mother would get

    a check from me to get on her feet-

    college, house, car, etc… She would

    have the best care humanly possible.

    Don’t you think that would be a great

    deal??? Well… I am here to say that

    is the case!!! That is what I am talking

    about. The Love of Jesus!

  5. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Going back up to posted-

    jac1975 at January 10, 2007 05:15 PM

    You believe a PRE-BORN BABY a PARASITE??

    Lord JESUS have mercy! Open the eyes

    of these blind people who’d base

    their ideas on medical dictionaries.

    This is where you have built the pro-choice

    movenemt??? You are placing a pre-born

    child in the category of lice???

    What do you say to an infant that

    has to have her mother’s milk to survive?

    Would that be a parasite also??? Should we

    just rid ourselves of the trouble of this

    little snotty-nosed bratt from drawing

    food from her mother. She is such a

    parasite. fter all the source

    of food is the mother’s body and she should

    have a say so in who sucks her breasts

    if anyone… right?

    Are you hearing what you are saying???

  6. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    After re-reading what I wrote, perhaps I should clarify. There are three types of Battery, one of which is a felony (but is rarely charged and I forgot about it).

    ÔΩß 16-5-23 Simple Battery (misdemeanor)

    (a) A person commits the offense of simple battery when he or she either:

    (1) Intentionally makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of another; or

    (2) Intentionally causes physical harm to another

    ÔΩß 16-5-23.1 Battery (misdemeanor)

    (a) A person commits the offense of battery when he or she intentionally causes substantial physical harm or visible bodily harm to another.

    (h) Any person who commits the offense of battery against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

    ÔΩß 16-5-24 Aggravated Battery (FELONY)

    (a) A person commits the offense of aggravated battery when he or she maliciously causes bodily harm to another by depriving him or her of a member of his or her body, by rendering a member of his or her body useless, or by seriously disfiguring his or her body or a member thereof.

  7. Sara Wara Avatar

    Well, cruelty to animals also isn’t a felony:


    (a) As used in this Code section, the term:

    (1) ‘Animal’ shall not include any fish nor shall such term include any pest that might be exterminated or removed from a business, residence, or other structure.

    (2) ‘Conviction’ shall include pleas of guilty or nolo contendere or probation as a first offender pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 8 of Title 42 and any conviction, plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or probation as a first offender for an offense under the laws of the United States or any of the several states that would constitute a violation of this Code section if committed in this state.

    (3) ‘Willful neglect’ means the intentional withholding of food and water required by an animal to prevent starvation or dehydration.

    (b) A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals when he or she causes death or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering to any animal by an act, an omission, or willful neglect. Any person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however, that:

    (1) Any person who is convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this subsection shall be punished by imprisonment not to exceed 12 months, a fine not to exceed $5,000.00, or both; and

    (2) Any person who is convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this subsection which results in the death of an animal shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three months nor more than 12 months, a fine not to exceed $10,000.00, or both, which punishment shall not be suspended, probated, or withheld.

  8. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Interestingly, I never knew Battery was a felony in other states until quite recently. And yep, Florida (where you’re from) is one of those states.

  9. Sara Wara Avatar

    Huh. There is no felony battery in GA? I know most states have degrees and at least one of them is felony battery. But you would know better than I would since I don’t do criminal work. I stand corrected.

  10. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    Note: Your third Battery against the same victim can be prosecuted as a felony.

  11. Jen B. Avatar
    Jen B.

    “That’s not really true. Battery against a person, whether a pregnant woman or a live baby is a felony in Georgia.”

    Actually, that’s not true. Battery and Simple Battery are both misdemeanors, punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Battery against a pregnant woman is categorized as a “high and aggravated” misdemeanor, so the fine goes up to $5,000.

  12. Georgia moderate Avatar
    Georgia moderate

    Ahh I see. Trying to guilt trip GA moderate for actually having a job and choosing to be responsible in that job. Yeah, no guilt here my friend. Thanks though.

    So I guess all the democrats advocating for free prenatal care are advocating for care of a parasite. And really if it’s not a human being or a “real” person, why bother with prenatal care? Leave the parasite alone and let nature take its course. Anyone in favor?

    If we’re democrats, we should at least be consistent in our message. Person=deserves prenatal care. Paraiste=not a person and doesn’t need prenatal care.

  13. Sara Wara Avatar

    Dammit you just had to go talking a bunch of nonsense about the law such that I am compelled to demonstrate it to be nonsense. Thanks a lot.

    “First let’s define ABORTION from a legal stance!

    the definition is-“kill the baby” see all abotion laws for this exact language.”

    Show me one actual state statute that uses the words “kill” and “baby.” ONE. Have you ever actually read a statute either outlawing, restricting or allowing abortion? Have you ever read a statute at all?

    Here are some GA statutes relating to abortion, which as you can see do not use the words “kill” or “baby” anywhere:

    ÔΩß 16-12-141. When abortion is legal; filing of certificate of abortion by performing physician

    (a) Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit an abortion performed by a physician duly licensed to practice medicine and surgery pursuant to Chapter 34 of Title 43, based upon his or her best clinical judgment that an abortion is necessary, except that Code Section 16-12-144 is a prohibition of a particular abortion method which shall apply to both duly licensed physicians and laypersons.

    (b)(1) No abortion is authorized or shall be performed after the first trimester unless the abortion is performed in a licensed hospital, in a licensed ambulatory surgical center, or in a health facility licensed as an abortion facility by the Department of Human Resources.

    (2) An abortion shall only be performed by a physician licensed under Article 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 43.

    (c) No abortion is authorized or shall be performed after the second trimester unless the physician and two consulting physicians certify that the abortion is necessary in their best clinical judgment to preserve the life or health of the woman. If the product of the abortion is capable of meaningful or sustained life, medical aid then available must be rendered.

    ÔΩß 31-9A-2. Definitions

    As used in this chapter, the term:

    (1) “Abortion” means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device with the intent to terminate the pregnancy of a female known to be pregnant. The term “abortion” shall not include the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device employed solely to increase the probability of a live birth, to preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead unborn child who died as the result of a spontaneous abortion. The term “abortion” also shall not include the prescription or use of contraceptives.

    “Did you know that it is a felony to kick a dog. It is a misdemeanor to kick a baby?”

    That’s not really true. Battery against a person, whether a pregnant woman or a live baby is a felony in Georgia. In order to kick a fetus in utero, you have to kick the mother which makes it a battery against the mother.

    But thank you for playing.

  14. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Well now-

    We are getting to some very good discussion!

    Now we see what you “pro-choicers” are

    all about.

    Let’s go back to a recent double homocide-

    It was the murder of Lacy and Connor

    Peterson! Lacy was the mother who

    was pregnant with Connor. Connor was not

    outside the womb when he was murdered

    within his mother!

    Scott Peterson was charged with killing

    2 people. One was born. The other was

    unborn! The Courts will never be the same.

    Now who is a troll???

  15. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    If one must feed the trolls, it’s best to feed them something on which they will choke.

    Thanks JAC.

  16. jac1975 Avatar

    OK, that might not have been the best site for a parasite definition. Here’s a better one:

    parÔΩ∑aÔΩ∑site (pr-st)


    1. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.

    2. In conjoined twins, the usually incomplete twin that derives its support from the more nearly normal fetus.

    The American HeritageÔΩÆ Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 2nd Edition Copyright ÔΩ© 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

  17. jac1975 Avatar

    Let’s see…according to Oxford, the entry for “baby” reads:


    • noun (pl. babies) 1 a child or animal that is newly or recently born.

    Hmmm…born…as in out of the womb, breathing, and living on its own. So yes, under the law, kicking a baby would at the very least be battery. Murdering a baby would be no different than murdering any other person.

    Abortion does kill a fetus, which through a biological definition, fits the meaning of parasite. Now before you go off half cocked, here is the definition of a parasite from http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Parasite:


    (Science: biology) An organism which obtains food and shelter from another organism (for example giardia).

    Let’s see…fetus is an organism that obtains food (umbilical cord) and shelter (uterus and the amniotic sac) from another organism (woman).

    Just because you or others deem born human behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts to something doesn’t make it so. I refer to my boxers as my “kids”, but they aren’t children; they’re dogs. Many people treat their pets as children and even think of them as children, but that doesn’t make it so. You can call a fetus a baby all you want, but that still doesn’t make it so, as definitions have a way of pointing out.

  18. Smitty Avatar

    if no one answers her…will she go away?

  19. SojournerTruth Avatar


    Nobody banned anyone from the HB1 Hearing OBVIOUSLY! As you can read ( hopefully) – All were in the hearing ..Militant lesbians, Sensative

    wounded women, men who care about the unborn. People who pray, people

    who hate prayer, People who love Jesus, people who hate people who

    love Jesus, etc…

    Yet – S.J. ( me) is banned from posting on Ms. Smith’s blog because “Truth” is speaking out.

    It is sad that logic and resaoning is not coming out here.

    I have a few questions to jac1975-who actually has made more sense than anyone else in my humble opinion!

    Jac1975- Now we are getting down to the meat of the HB-1 bill –

    First let’s define ABORTION from a legal stance!

    the definition is-“kill the baby” see all abotion laws for this exact language.

    “Killing the baby” should not be legal, safe, or rare. Killing a

    baby should not be permitted!

    Education is good.

    FYI- I just learned today something very disturbing..

    Did you know that it is a felony to kick a dog. It is a misdemeanor to kick a baby?

    Something is wrong people!Why can’t we help the lawmakers write bills that make sense???

  20. Amber Avatar

    Appeal to “taking responsibility for choices” (*actually*, even!) – do a shot

    Playing the reverse discrimination card – drink all of whatever ya got!!

  21. Smitty Avatar

    Guilt trip given by Ga Moderate – zero dollars

    Attending and reporting on a tent revival public hearing – priceless

  22. Jules Avatar

    Well I think Joe Lieberman reflects poorly on all democrats too but heck I got over that in Nov..

    Guilt trip given by Ga Moderate.. nope I’ll pass

  23. Smitty Avatar

    once again, work on the comprehension skills. Journalism versus personal opinion blog.

    Yeah, I think I heard a lot of people crying about that “job attendance” thing when other people were marching for civil rights.

  24. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Journalism? Did I miss where someone called this journalism? It’s blogging.

    blog: : a web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer

  25. Georgia moderate Avatar
    Georgia moderate

    Oh, and sorry I missed the meeting. I had this little thing called A JOB. I’m sure my supervisor would have been fine with me leaving to attend a hearing that has nothing to do with my job.

  26. Georgia moderate Avatar
    Georgia moderate

    Of course there is only one viewpoint. I have no problem with her covering the event and giving her opinion on the issues. What I do have a problem with is someone completely ripping on people’s personal faith (“weird tent revivals”), talking about physically hurting people (joking or not), and generally showing a lack of respect for people’s beliefs all the while claiming to be “progressive”. She may call that journalism but I call it juvenile and it think it shows very poorly on democrats.

  27. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    OK. Let’s get something straight, once and for all. People who are pro-choice, in most cases are also “pro-life”. Using the term pro-choice when referring to those who are anti-abortion is both misleading and playing into the hand of those who wish to further their radical religious agenda.

    I am a pro-life, pro-choice woman.

    The individuals who appeared at the hearing yesterday were hateful, hypocritical, un-christian, un-patriotic, and anti-abortion. To write the hateful things they wrote and claim to be pro-life is among the most ridiculous displays I’ve seen in months.

  28. Decaturguy Avatar

    I believe you can be pro-life, a Democrat or Republican, and also be sickened by what was on display in that hearing room yesterday. Using the power of government to (unapologetically) further one’s own religious views is quite scary.

    I, for one, can certainly respect the views of someone who is pro-life. I think that some pro-life people are sincere and well intentioned. But it is hard to do that, I think, under the circumstances of the event yesterday.

  29. Smitty Avatar

    Maybe that is where the problem lies “you were expecting”. If you wanted a true debate of yesterday’s fraudulent public hearing then it would have been helpful if you actually did something like show up and give your own personal opinion of the event. What you have is 1 person’s viewpoint. You can disagree with her opinion, but no one can ever match your expectations until you actually define them beforehand.

    I think that is why so many people claim the “moderate Democrat” label – they are waiting and expecting for both sides to meet their needs instead of actually doing something to meet their own needs. Ummm…like recruiting and supporting viable moderate type candidates. But, hey that’s just my unmoderate opinion.

  30. odinseye2k Avatar

    No, you missed my point entirely.

    What I mean is that at *gay pride parades,* they don’t insist that their lifestyle is the only one and that it must be mandated by law. E.g., men and women banned from hooking up.

    Don’t go too nuts on the “intellectual” angle before basic reading comprehension is mastered.

  31. Georgia moderate Avatar
    Georgia moderate

    And for the record, I don’t base my identity on blogs or any other people’s opinions. I have always called myself a democrat and will continue to be a democrat. I’m just always disappointed when democrats try to use the same tactics as Republicans. I thought we were above that.

  32. Georgia moderate Avatar
    Georgia moderate

    Wait, wait, wait…you’re actually saying that because this group is advocating restricting abortions, that men and women will no longer be able to hook up? Really. Maybe they’ll have to actually take responsibility for their choices, but stopping them from having sex? Again, I guess I was expecting something intellectual. Too bad that I got 5th grade reasoning.

  33. Jules Avatar

    GA-Moderate.. oh they show up and write those things and shove their literature at us and tell us they can pray away the gay…

    Are we extreme, um yeah… do these folks ever say they will meet us half way and allow for the three exceptions nope. Always we’re the murders and sins and they are the virtuous…

    Do some of them fire bomb clinics and lie and shove babies and faked pictures at patients, um yeah.. The scary “naming” ceremonies, the “anniversaries of “birthdays”.. What’s wrong with this picture? Does any of this seem “moderate” to you? Calling me a accessory to murder, the devil, and all the other hate speech we’ve tolerated at Choice events and LBGTQ events..

    This is the problem with the debate, it isn’t a debate.. they didn’t invite anyone to this hearing to talk for the Choice side, all they did was blowvate on their personal trauma.. sad, but how exactly does that enlighten or educate?

    This is what was revealed, not anything like a “debate” or a discussion”.

    It’s such hypocracy as I said yesterday.

    Also, I love the personal responsibility trip that includes calling on God and Jesus? Huh? Can they help pay for diapers and daycare, health insurance, clothes, food…?

  34. Smitty Avatar

    GAModerate – 1 more thought, why would you let another person’s viewpoint stop you from calling yourself a “Democrat”. That doesn’t sound too intellectual. If you don’t stand for something then you will fall for anything. I hope that you became a Democrat long before BfD was in existence. Maybe you are not a “BfD” type Democrat, but I hope that you don’t let everything you read in print or on the internets become the foundation of why you are a Democrat.

  35. odinseye2k Avatar

    The key difference is that the gay pride parades don’t usually advocate laws that make it impossible for a man and a woman to hook up.

    I guess you’d call it reactive rather than pre-emptive vitriol.

  36. Smitty Avatar

    Georgia Moderate, did the gay people in your example hold a public hearing to ban all persons from their fundamental right to choose? Did the gay people in your example choose to infuse their version of religion and God’s wishes at their public hearing? Did they gay people in your example openly say that they will target/stalk anyone that exposes their fraudulent public hearing?

  37. Georgia moderate Avatar
    Georgia moderate

    Wow. On most days I’m proud to call myself a democrat, but after reading many of these posts, I’m rather hesitant to call myself one. I’m sure many of you brag about being “open minded” and “tolerant” yet you have spent two days spewing hate and vitrole towards an entire group of people, primarily based on their faith, beliefs, and values. Unbelievable.

    If a conservative blogger showed up at a gay pride parade and then wrote the following the entry, how would you feel?:

    “So I’m at the gay pride parade. Man, there really are a bunch of freaks around here. Parading around talking about dildos, casual sex, and herpes. No wonder the majority of Americans hate them, after their bizarre behavior, I don’t blame them. Scary to say the least. I’m really having to control my urges to not just beat the crap out of everyone of them. And what the hell, they’re dancing to techno music! Freaks! I guess they just don’t care about morals or values. Doesn’t matter though, they’re all going to hell anyway. Oh great, now they’re talking about their “rights” and “equality”. I almost burst a gut laughing! I’m seriously going to have to leave the parade before I hit someone for just being…well weird and freakish.”

    Is it accurate? No. It is inflammatory? Yes. It is insensitive? Yes. Are they allowed to post it? Sure. And you all have the right to post the same hate.

    I was just hoping that a group of “progressives” who claim to be intellectual would actually be, well..intellectual.

    Too bad.

  38. jac1975 Avatar

    A pro-life Democrat, it seems to me, would believe in the adage that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare” and would use all powers of advocacy to promote alternatives to abortion…that includes adequate and ACCURATE sex education, distribution of birth control, and adoption. A pro-life Democrat also doesn’t stop caring about said fetus upon birth, like most other “pro-lifers” I know.

  39. Smitty Avatar

    “The democrat tent has a whole in it.” – eh? Spelling is Fundamental.

  40. odinseye2k Avatar

    So, being a pro-life Democrat means you believe kids should be taught all about responsible sexuality in schools and provided with the aid of Planned Parenthood. Also that you want to be sure that pharmacists fulfill their oaths of medicine to disperse medical advances such as Plan B. Right? Right?

    Are do you take ignorance all the way and want people to suffer for 2000-year old claptrap when we invented a way to understand the world 300 years ago?

  41. SojournerTruth Avatar

    The democrat tent has a whole in it.

  42. Smitty Avatar

    ST – bye-bye! I can type real slow for you to understand it – b-y-e, b-y-e!!! As a wise woman continually says, “the Democrat tent is big, but it ain’t infinite”.

  43. MelGX Avatar

    And losing you would somehow be a bad thing? I would pay to lose you.

  44. SojournerTruth Avatar


    The objectives are being met!

    I am not here to convert any of you.

    That would take way too much of my time!

    I am here to let you know that Pro-Life

    democrats are not going to belly up to

    the bar with you guys… “Let’s all have

    at toast to Planned Parenthood!” No Way!

    The same voter base that elected Zell Miller

    and Ronald Reagan are being awakened and

    I am asking you all to lay low on all

    your hate langauge. You are making yourselves

    look really bad in contrast to the Pro-Life

    citizens supporting HB-1.

    If you call yourselves democrats – You will

    loose people like me fast! We will go to thge

    right on this issue alone.

    I suggest you lay low on social issues and

    stand on fiscal issues. That is my advice to


    If you don’t take that- you will be the

    one left out in the end.

  45. jac1975 Avatar

    My money is on Bernita in ANY street fight with a lying theocon.

    Besides, she knows we got her back when the going gets tough…or the “right to life” crowd brings out rifles.

  46. Smitty Avatar

    “What goes around, comes around – That’s all!!!” – OK you are soooo not Christian…that’s all I’m saying.

    Get a clue chick, if Bernita did not want to be known then why would she blog under her own name.

    ooooh, you are sooo not scarying us. Is that how you and your people get others to obey your word – through intimidation? Trust me, it’s going to take a lot more than some fake Bible spouting freaks to scare Bernita.

    I hope you guys have fun keeping up with her schedule. Trust me on this one…she will see you first before you see her. What dumbasses you guys would be for stalking someone that outed your fake heaing. That’s what this is all about – Little Jeff and his minions can’t continue the charade.

    For the record, Bernita nor Grayson were representing the press. They both came there as rightful Georgia citizens. Citizenship at public hearings is a privelege to all and not just some tent revival fake Christian freaks.

    May the Lord have mercy on you and your wicked ways. One day you see will that you are not beholden to any man and the evil ways that man conspires against other mankind.

  47. Sara Wara Avatar

    ST, why don’t you just go back to wherever it is you came from and stop spewing things here that are only going to get you in trouble. You’re not going to save or convert anyone here to your cause. And if you keep telling people who were at a public legislative hearing just reporting what they see on a website that they’re now “being watched” and “were taped” and should “be careful,” you’re going to run afoul of some criminal statutes before too long. Like, say, the one posted above. You don’t have to make an actual threat of physical harm to commit stalking, you just have to put someone under some form of surveillance and then creep them out (basically). I’d say you and your “group” are 80% of the way there at this point based on your own admissions in these comments.

    I’m not sure what you objective thought you would accomplish by coming here but I’m pretty sure you missed it.

  48. Decaturguy Avatar

    No, Sojourner, what Bernita wrote is not a treat. It would have been a threat if Bernita had yelled at Rep Everson and said “I’m about to hurt you.” But she didn’t. She just wrote down her thoughts. Its called sarcasm.

  49. SojournerTruth Avatar


    Nobody is threatneing you!

    You are free to come and go like everyone else.

    It’s just now you are known. Most press has

    press passes with photo ID for security

    measures. Now when Bernita and Grayson are

    in the LOB or the Capitol grounds- they are

    are known as anyone else.

    I am only letting you know what is happening.

    That is not a threat or mean – It is a heads

    up!! Why are you so paranoid???

    Is it because it is not fun to be known.

    Now you will know what it is like to be

    a public figure and people know you like

    the elected officials that you smear –

    like Melvin Everson and Bobby Franklin.

    What goes around, comes around – That’s all!!!

    I would suggest you watch your language and

    stop making threats like –

    Bernita saying:

    11:17 am – ok, ya’ll can find me at the Ponce de Leon Police Station cause I’m about to hurt Melvin.”


  50. Sara Wara Avatar

    OCGA 16-5-90:

    (a)(1) A person commits the offense of stalking when he or she follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person. For the purpose of this article, the terms ‘computer’ and ‘computer network’ shall have the same meanings as set out in Code Section 16-9-92; the term ‘contact’ shall mean any communication including without being limited to communication in person, by telephone, by mail, by broadcast, by computer, by computer network, or by any other electronic device; and the place or places that contact by telephone, mail, broadcast, computer, computer network, or any other electronic device is deemed to occur shall be the place or places where such communication is received. For the purpose of this article, the term ‘place or places’ shall include any public or private property occupied by the victim other than the residence of the defendant. For the purposes of this article, the term ‘harassing and intimidating’ means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes emotional distress by placing such person in reasonable fear for such personÔΩ¥s safety or the safety of a member of his or her immediate family, by establishing a pattern of harassing and intimidating behavior, and which serves no legitimate purpose. This Code section shall not be construed to require that an overt threat of death or bodily injury has been made.

  51. Jules Avatar

    I’m on it..

  52. Smitty Avatar

    Jules, I think you might need to call the PR Committee.

  53. jac1975 Avatar

    I think Bernita’s been threatened. Be careful around your home, sister! I would seriously be on the look out for anything suspicious. These people are no joke. Remember when they were posting “wanted” posters of doctors providing abortions, and putting an X on ones that were shot and murdered in their homes? It sounds like Sojourner is telling us that you’re going to be targeted.

  54. Decaturguy Avatar

    So it is OK to photo and tape Bernita, but it is “illegal” to take cell phone photos? What law?

  55. Smitty Avatar

    First of all SojournerNosotruthful, you are way inaccurate on your facts – no one was a secret spy. That was a public meeting and we are the public. and are also well meaning citizens. Do all the Christian freaks live in a conspiracy world?

    Please show us the rule that cellphone cameras are not allowed in the LOB.

    If you knew anything about anyone then you would know that Bernita is widely known over at the LOB and the Capital, so they don’t need to view a tape to know what she looks like. The only people that are viewing the tape are your freaky friends. They could save the tape review class and just come on down to the clinic on a Saturday and watch her and others protect women from more of your freaky friends.

    And please don’t come on here with idle threats.

    My God will bless you and your friends so that one day you can speak of his Word and not be blinded by the words of mortal men.

  56. Jules Avatar

    This individual is not adding anything interesting or informative.. I’m all for the ban.

  57. MelGX Avatar

    Who’s ready to ban the troll? Just say the word.

  58. MelGX Avatar

    Can we get an attorney up in here? Paula? Richard? Jenna?

    Does this constitute a threat to person?

  59. Jules Avatar

    Threats.. niiiiiiccce how freaking “Christian” can you get.


  60. SojournerTruth Avatar


    You are lost my friend.

    Sadie Fields is not even with the Christian

    Coalitian any more. Also, nobody there was

    with the Christian Coalitian! The people

    singing up front were from Virginia (in DC).

    You did not listen when they were being


    Also- I never said I met you dear. I said

    a friend stood behind you to read your blog

    and see who you were writing. He made the notes

    and gave them to me and others who know the blogs

    you all are on.

    Bernita and Grayson are being watched.

    Your photos are circulating the capital and

    the LOB. You were taped. This I know for a fact.

    You are no longer secret spies who blog and

    defame the character of well meaning citizens.

    Please be careful. The cell phone photos are

    illegal in the LOB.

  61. SojournerTruth Avatar


    You are lost my friend.

    Sadie Fields is not even with the Christian

    Coalitian any more. Also, nobody there was

    with the Christian Coalitian! The people

    singing up front were from Virginia (in DC).

    You did not listen when they were being


    Also- I never said I met you dear. I said

    a friend stood behind you to read your blog

    and see who you were writing. He made the notes

    and gave them to me and others who know the blogs

    you all are on.

    Bernita and Grayson are being watched.

    Your photos are circulating the capital and

    the LOB. You were taped. This I know for a fact.

    You are no longer secret spies who blog and

    defame the character of well meaning citizens.

    Please be careful. The cell phone photos are

    illegal in the LOB.

  62. Smitty Avatar

    I bet Sadie Fields is laughing her butt off that Bobby and Melvin are in bed with the Christian Coalition’s splintered off cry baby faction.

    Tim – way to go back to your university teachings. smackdown!!

    For the record, Sojourner NEVER met Ms. Smith. She viewed Ms. Smith from a far. To meet is to actually exchange words or a greeting – never happened. So whatever assessment Sojourner has of Ms. Smith is pulled from Sojourner’s imagination of who Ms. Smith is. From Sojourner’s posting, her imagination seems limited to the teachings that are spoonfed by the Christian Coalition.

    I love the tent revival photos on SpaceyGracey’s site. They are awesome.

  63. Amber Avatar

    “Let’s say we stop repeating what the media and

    the universities have fed us and start to listen

    to our heart!”

    Aha… truthiness! Stephen Colbert would be proud.

  64. Tim Avatar

    I’m afraid it’s you who are sick my friend. May God grant you the peace of knowledge and understanding and beat you over the head if you continue to press the State as an organ of your religious beliefs and the bringer of your own brand of what is justice and truth.

    I can’t help but imagine you in Pharisee clothes deriding Christ as he sat to eat with those whom you would condemn and then you would cry to Caesar – “seize her, seize her, for she violates our religious law”.

    May your kind, which is in no way loving nor Christian, be someday driven from the halls of justice and our places of government. Your totalitarian and fascist worldview should have no place in our government, save that for your church or place of worship.

    Even the centurion realized he was wrong, I onlt hope that you too see the light before it’s too late.

  65. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Ruby –

    I am sorry you are sick.

    I will pray for you to be healed in

    Jesus name! Healing hugs to Ruby!!!

    Now about this statement:

    “…don’t thump your Bible at me Sojurner. I don’t give a flying fuck about what it says. It says men can hold slaves as long as they are purchased from neighboring nations or that you can sell your daughters into slavery. Now believe me, if the so-called Religious Right thought that they could get away with these things now, they most certainly would, but they can’t. Because people finally woke up and saw that slavery was evil.”

    Now Ruby- you must know that many people

    cling to The King James Bible ( which was

    mis-translated ) from the original Greek and

    Hebrew. King James was nuts!

    Believe it or not – Rep. Bobby Franklin

    reads the Geneva Bible – ( The Reformers

    Bible) like me. That’s why I like him and

    his thinking. The Geneva Bible was the

    Bible brought over in the Mayflower by the

    pilgrims. ( They were trying to get away

    from King James- remember?)

    Okay The Geneva Bible does not condone

    slavery. It also speaks of EQUALITY!

    Yes!!! There are things you could learn.

    Now about Saddam Hussein-

    See this:http://www.iraqitruthproject.com/

    I saw this in the movie theatre and I had to

    leave to go to the bathroom to throw up.

    I went with a friend from Iraq. She said

    this was what she witnessed.

    Also you should know my friend, Bridget Grabriel-



    Get well!

  66. Jules Avatar

    Yo – Sojourner.. you met Ms. Smith for like a second, those of us who know and have loved her for years, are clear who the real person is… We don’t need any “pretty” speeches from you.

  67. Jules Avatar

    Yo – Sojourner.. you met Ms. Smith for like a second, those of us who know and have loved her for years, are clear who the real person is… We don’t need any “pretty” speeches from you.

  68. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Prog Reader –

    Clearly there is a stereo type here on this blog.

    I would say there is a need for “logic, reason and legitimate science” in your post. ( Not to be “mean spirited”, just being honest in a warm

    and fuzzy way.

    Nothing personal or unkind, I just would like to

    understand your “logic,reason, and legitimate

    science” here. Seems to be lacking.

    When one reads the comments of Bernita. She is

    very hostile, uses profanity it make a point, speaks of “hurting” people who do not agree with

    her. Speaks of drinking when things do not go her

    way, etc… and this is logical? this is reason?

    this is a legitamate science?

    Again, not to be mean- spirited— Just trying

    to “get” your point.

    As for me, I am not a republican. I am a democrat,

    but when I read this blog, it makes me want to

    become a republican because I see such harshness

    among those who say they are black demoncrats. I see such kindness among these republicans. We are known by our character.

    I also find it interesting that Bernita can

    come to a HB-1 hearing and sit in the back blogging for hours and that is okay! She can

    express all her ideas and “the white people who

    are praying and crying in the hearing” are bad

    and she is the good one. But when someone

    comes to “her house” by posting on this blog and

    addresses her ideas, they are treated worse

    than a dog. Where is the logic and reason?

    Can “progressives” discuss without using un-kind

    critical language to put people dwon. It seems

    we could all use some extra logic and reasoning.

    Let’s say we stop repeating what the media and

    the universities have fed us and start to listen

    to our heart! Alveda King is a woman who has just

    as much right to speak as Oprah. Perhaps we should

    have Bernice King at the next hearing. She too is

    Pro-life! These women have something to teach us.

    For far too long we have built walls. We must build a bridge and discuss without ranting and

    fighting. Is that logical? Is that reasoning?

  69. Rubyduby Avatar

    Ok, first things first – the other Rubyduby post above is actually Bezerko. Two bloggers – one house. What can you do?

    Now, with that out of the way – Sweet Mary! Mother of God! What the hell is the matter with people??? We see this for the act it is and make no mistakes about it, it is a show for the stupid and gullible who will believe this crap just like they believed that Saddam had WMDs and was ready to nuke the US. You don’t believe there are people that stupid in this state? Come meet my neighbors.

    The CC knows exactly what it is doing. Trot out the women who now regret having their multiple abortions. Multiple!!!! I say the old sluts need to realize the only reason they have time to play the greiving victim is because they don’t have 12 kids tied to them because they chose to abort them. And whatever reason they did it for, they still chose to do it.

    I am sick and tired of this argument and I’m sick and tired of the stupid people who continue to fall for it. And don’t thump your Bible at me Sojurner. I don’t give a flying fuck about what it says. It says men can hold slaves as long as they are purchased from neighboring nations or that you can sell your daughters into slavery. Now believe me, if the so-called Religious Right thought that they could get away with these things now, they most certainly would, but they can’t. Because people finally woke up and saw that slavery was evil.

    Maybe someday soon the rest of this state will wake up and see that trying to control women’s lives (and yes, forcing women to have children is most definitely controlling them in ways you will never know) is modern day slavery and it must be stopped.

    I could go on and usually would, but I don’t feel good. That’s why I wasn’t there with you yesterday Bernita (and if I was, we both most assuredly would have been carted off).

  70. ProgReader1 Avatar

    This is another reason why a strong PROGRESSIVE agenda is urgently needed. An agenda that applies logic, reason and legitimate science to the issues.

    Now they are targeting another set of “those people”, women who want control of their bodies. The excuse is again ¬ìprotecting our children¬î but this time they have brazenly claimed they want to protect women from the psychological trauma of their decisions.

    It is okay to bash gays, legal and illegal immigrants, drug addicts and sex criminals (regardless of the circumstance) for fun in the name of “protecting our children” as justification for their extreme attacks instead dealing with the real issues.

    As long as people of otherwise good conscience continue to buy into ANY part of their mean-spirited, divisive, illogical, unreasoned agenda things will only get worse. Remember mean people suck no matter what the issue.

    What’s next? Denying women and people of color an education and the right to vote in the name of “protecting our children” !!!

  71. odinseye2k Avatar

    Sorry, quick PS.

    A good evidence of the way things are. Republicans love to use government to beat people down, Democrats hope to have it help raise people up.

  72. odinseye2k Avatar

    Let me just be the first to use the right-wing debate tactic in reverse:

    If you want to live in a country where the church is the state, there’s a lovely place called Iran to go live in. Or Wasiristan (home to the regrowing Taliban). Leave us decent Americans alone.

    Damn it, where’s Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris when hyou need them?

    /Two can play this game – why do you hate America?

  73. Decaturguy Avatar

    Congrats Smitty, you’ve hit the big time:


    And you didn’t even need press credentials, did you?

  74. Jules Avatar

    Don’t feed the trolls…

    I repeat DON’T feed the trolls..

  75. rusty Avatar

    I want to love Jesus (repeatedly), but the state won’t let me.

  76. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Bernita, Berinta, Bernita-

    You are angry and hurt. I know.

    I feel ya. I am not 22. I am 39.

    Thanks though.

    This HB 1 is going to rip some scabs off

    some deep wounds. We are ready for you.

    You are LOVED. I mean LOVED!!!

    I want to hear your story. Please share it!

    I am “listening”.

  77. rusty Avatar

    In Vermont, Massachusetts, and a few other states, you’d be free to love Jesus in a committed relationship. Alas, here in Georgia, Jesus and I are forced to live in sin.

  78. griftdrift Avatar

    Oh my goodness gracious!

  79. Amber Avatar


    *backs away slowly*

  80. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Gray- You said that sometimes you love Jesus-

    I guaruntee you that he ALWAYS loves you!!!

  81. SojournerTruth Avatar


    I find interesting that your sign is Virgo!

    VIRGO: (the Virgin)

    Virgo is pictured as a woman with a branch in her right hand and some ears of corn in her left hand. Virgo in Hebrew is “Bethulah”

    which means, “a virgin”. In Greek, Virgo is “Parthenos”, which means “the maid of virgin pureness”=Jesus, also called Immanuel, was born to a virgin.

    There is no other place in the history of mankind where this “supernatural” birth has happened.

    Matthew 1:23

    23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

    I find is ironic that a Virgo would be someone who was in favor of choosing abortions?

    It seems that your sign is the BIRTHING SIGN!

  82. Amber Avatar

    “We all started praying for you.”

    Whew!! I sure am glad someone’s on the case… praying for all us heathens. Lord knows we can’t be bothered to do it ourselves.

  83. Smitty Avatar

    Ms. SojournerTruth, Bernita has updated her post and added a section just for you.

  84. Grayson Avatar

    Thank you Sojourner Weaver hon. I’ve always needed more prayers. Story if my life! And I’ll have another in your righteous name too. Hey Barkeep… one for my new pal, Sojourney. She’s black and she’s proud. Loves Jesus. Stuff like that. I’m white, highlight my hair and wear glasses. Proud too. Sometimes I too love Jesus. Now ain’t that somethin’! I’m a Virgo, SW. What’s your sign?

  85. SojournerTruth Avatar


    We saw you there too – You were the blonde girl with the glasses. We are praying for you also.

  86. Grayson Avatar

    They’re here! In here. Run away, run away.

  87. Grayson Avatar

    Puuuuhhhhleeeezzzeeee accept my sincere apology Paula. Seriously. I thought you were the one calling for a no-show today. My bad.

  88. SojournerTruth Avatar

    I was at the hearing Bernita.

    I saw you in the back on your lap top. We all started praying for you. A friend stood in the back to see what you were doing. They read your posts and saw your blog name and so I thought I would check it out.

    Alveda King is my friend. You and your friends here need to do your homework. You should know that the abortion mills target black babies !!!

    Blacks make up 11% of the population in America and 33% of all abortions are on black babies.

    Here’s a web site for you to see:


    Day Garnder also used to think like you.


    As for “the white guy with the guitar”….

    His mother was raped and got pregnant with him.

    He has a powerful testimony. You should hear him.

    He never knew his earthly father but he certainly knows his Heavenly Father as you heard.

    I was the black woman to your left 3rd row from the back. I came to learn and pray. I saw you in the back and you reminded me of me 10 years ago. You did not come to the hearing by chance.

    I used to think like you until I started doing more research on Planned Parenthood and how the African American community is the target.

    Like JC Watts onced said –

    It’s time we stop pimpin our people and fight to keep them alive.

  89. SojournerTruth Avatar

    Bernita -I was at the hearing today and I saw you.

  90. Sara Wara Avatar

    I actually like the strategic decision of ignoring their antics for now. Why lend any credibility to a bunch of whackos and their revival meeting if the bill isn’t actually going to make it out of committee? Sending a big vocal crew down there at this nascent stage would have implied that the pro-choice crew is actually worried HB1 might pass.

    Now, if at some point we *become* actually worried it might pass, then I think vocal opposition and a strong (disobedient) presence is definitely called for.

  91. PaulaG Avatar

    Oh puuuuhhhhleeeezzzeeee, Grayson. It wasn’t my idea. I didn’t even post the notice. Just answering your question about why the choice community wasn’t there. As Jules suggested, go write to GFC, PP, and ACLU.

  92. Jules Avatar


    It isn’t Paula’s fault.. you should be writing to NARAL and the folks at Georgians for Choice and asking these questions. A Rep for Planned Parenthood and ACLU was there, but it was the anti-choice freak show today.

    I don’t think the tactic was great to leave them alone without being challenged but whatever. That’s what they sent us all.. it’s a good question to ask..

    Check out the comments over at Peach Pundit for their “conservative” take on the deal, yup, freaks who live it very very tiny places in their heads.

  93. BEZERKO Avatar

    I wondered if Naral’s rationale was sort of “go on ahead and let them have the ban,” then sit back and wait for the backlash. I liken it to two bus drivers playing chicken, but hey, what do I know? It’s worked so well for us in the past.

  94. Grayson Avatar

    Oh puuuuhhhhleeeezzzeeee, Paula. That is SO old school. The people at that “rally” were total freakazoids who want to lock all women up in their little Jesus camps, wherever the f those are. Hell maybe. The world needs to see and hear, early and often, what kinda freaks are behind this kind of total loony-bin, wacko legislation. Then they can get mad too. All I can say at this point is… thank you Jesus for bloggers! Bernita is my new shining star!!!

  95. Jules Avatar

    By the way, I nominate Bernita “Rock Star” Blogger of the week..

  96. Jules Avatar

    Amber, they stole the tape thing from another group that did the Silence=Death campaign from the 80’s about AIDS.

    The red tape crew is called “Bound for Life” and you have the check them out on your own. They show up every other saturday at the clinic like 80 of them with their bibles and tape.. they are mostly under the age of 25. I think they get recruited from youth groups and the like.

  97. Smitty Avatar

    Amber, I don’t know why they do the tape over the mouth stunt. But we could have done it to mock them at their own hearings.

  98. Amber Avatar

    “Plus they could have place tape over their mouth just like the pro-life freaks do on Saturday mornings.”

    I also don’t understand what THAT means. I saw it in Jesus Camp, too. Someone explain??

  99. Grayson Avatar

    Paula: What post and where is it? Please provide a link!

  100. Smitty Avatar

    Silence is golden…NOT!! That means that they couldn’t get their wuss asses in gear. At least they should have been there like SpaceyGracey suggested with NARAL stickers on. Plus they could have place tape over their mouth just like the pro-life freaks do on Saturday mornings. Get creative people – stop using the 1960’s game plan.

  101. Amber Avatar

    I don’t understand the rationale for boycotting the hearing.

  102. PaulaG Avatar

    Grayson, see the post titled “Know, but don’t go”:

    “Below is a Breaking News alert issued by Planned Parenthood of Georgia this evening. The choice community wants to keep you informed about HB-1, a bill to outlaw all abortions in Georgia, but your presence at the hearing is NOT requested. The community will be boycotting the hearing.”

  103. Smitty Avatar

    “Whad’ya think we send the checks for?” ha! I laugh out loud. Think you’re actually going to get answer from anyone in the Choice community on that one – I’m guessing not. We are lone soldiers out here footing our own actions.

  104. Jules Avatar

    Heads up everyone.. I ALWAYS have bail money for Social Justice/Civil Disobedience/Direct Action

    oh yeah and for me and Bernita just in general….

  105. Grayson Avatar

    Now that I think about it, NARAL-Georgia said they were going to be there at the hearing with stickers and everything. I didn’t see one NARAL person whom I could identify. Doen’st mean they were there, it’s just that it was hard, as Bernita said, figuring out if there were any people at the hearing who actually opposed HB1. Would have been nice to see that kinda opposition, NARAL. Whad’ya think we send the checks for?

  106. CatherineAtlanta Avatar

    Oh, no better inspiration for children than a mother getting kicked off the PTA for standing up for her (and millions others) rights!

  107. Grayson Avatar

    I’ll get kicked out of the PTA fer sure before we’re finished with HB1.

  108. Sara Wara Avatar

    Great, we’re going to go raise some hell and get me disbarred here in GA right after I finally got admitted! Oh Georgia Bar, I hardly knew ye…

  109. Grayson Avatar

    Amber, if you’d been there, we’d be locked up by now fer sure. What would the PTA moms say?!

  110. Grayson Avatar

    BTW, if we need to go bail out Bernita, I’ll be there to do so!

  111. Amber Avatar

    I wish I could’ve been there for civil disobedience! Stupid job…

  112. Grayson Avatar

    FYI… when I say “cameras” I mean TV camera from the local stations. Bernita and I were working our digital cams/cell phones, but the lighting was not so good, and I had a memory stick with virtually no memory on it. Some intrepid blogger reporter I am. I erased the video of the TOTAL oly rolling call to prayer with guitars and electric piano at the start. Sorry. My bad! Blogger still down…

  113. Grayson Avatar

    There was a cop stationed outside the room. We got to chatting. He didn’t seem too terribly concerned, but he was there to keep an eye on things, and was discreetly out in the hallway. THere was media lurking all over the Gold Dome, but no TV cams were in room 606, from what I could tell. One Marietta Daily Journal guy wandered by. There was one media photo working the room, but I don’t know who he was with. Looked to be several other MSM reps writing away in the back. But again, no cameras there. But one good shout-out, and boy would they have come a’runnin’ from somewhere.

  114. Grayson Avatar

    Well Sara, and other folks, if I’d had you there with me for support, there would have been civil disobedience fer sure. And maybe there should be at some point is all I’m saying. How else are we to get people’s attention to what’s really going down in the halls of OUR government? I’m STILL reeling…

  115. Sara Wara Avatar

    Amber, I had the same reaction to that. The implied cause and effect there–that choosing to have an abortion got her raped, and that finding out his baby was aborted caused him to rape–just boggles the mind. Nevermind the people who choose abortions AFTER they get raped and impregnated by their, let’s just ignore those folks and instead accept this crazy argument that getting an abortion can cause insane ex-boyfriends to rape you.

    I am now *certain* that had I attended, I would have left under police escort in one way or another.

  116. Grayson Avatar

    Bernita: Blogger is down for maintenance, so I can’t post jack. Email me and I’ll send you my pics so you can add ’em here if you want: spaceygracey@bellsouth.net

  117. Grayson Avatar

    B: I was just there too. I was the white chick with glasses and a brown jacket taking pictures, standing righ behind you at one point. I got so furious and furiously nauseated at the “proceedings” that I had to escort my own self out, least I start yelling stuff out like, “Keep your fundamentalist crap out of my uterus.” Or worse. I was stunned. Just stunned. Folks, this was some serious Jesus, tent revival weird stuff. We have got to get serious about countering these people. I’m going to post some pics to the Spacey Gracey Review right now. I’ve got to compose myself before attempting to write about what I just witnessed though. I’m still too stunned and emotional to write clearly about what I just saw and read with my own two eyes and ears.

  118. Amber Avatar

    “She says that her boyfriend was traumatized and came back after 4 months and raped her because she shouldn’t have aborted the first baby.”


    Wait — WHAT???

    Holy fucking shit, people.

  119. Amber Avatar

    A covenant with death! Wow!!!

  120. shelby Avatar

    Re: 12:30 girl, I wonder if her boyfriend found Jesus, too, or if he’s still a rapist.

  121. gatormathis Avatar

    11:17 am – ok, ya’ll can find me at the Ponce de Leon Police Station cause I’m about to hurt Melvin. That fool just said “can you imagine if the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. was aborted? Where would be without civil rights. We need to right this wrong because too many lives have been lost.”

    I always heard if you talk long enough, you’ll answer your own question. So, just how profound is the above thought?

    It isn’t just the “junk” folks that get aborted, it’s all those little insignificant lives who haven’t yet had a chance to prove themselves.

    Each human mind perceives things just a teeny weeny bit different than others. Think about the famous people such as King, the man who cured polio, cat who made the refrigerator, the writer of your favorite book, and so on and so on.

    If you think about everyone you know, especially the kids you have if you are a parent, no mold was used twice.

    Think about yourself as a kid, and the children you now have, how can a happen chance meeting of cells turn out so right. Each one of the favorite people above had a parent, what if one of them had been aborted, taken out of the lineage that created that super special person.

    All my comments are simply meant to be thought provoking, I’m not here to argue with anybody, and really hadn’t thought quite as much how much abortion affects each and every one of us until I read the above comment.

    When the writer above wrote about the possibility of no Dr. King, I though, mmm….abortion affects everyone’s heroes.

    A little snip, I woulda never heard of John Wayne, my parents, best buddies, wife nor kids, or any other multitude of folks.

    As “intelligent” mankind, we have the ability to affect life from onset to departation, and in many ways help it begin or end.

    Mankind is getting pretty effective at ending life, all over the world. In all sorts of manners.

    Makes me kind of glad we are still yet to find ways to effectively manipulate the weather. As bad as an office thermostat gets changed, a “weather” knob wouldn’t stand a chance.

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