He’s a master at baiting

icon_shutup.jpgRight-wing talkmaster Neal Boortz soon enters the hallowed ranks of the national Radio Hall of Fame, which is quite an accomplishment for the Atlantan who makes quite a lot of money from his nationally syndicated talk show.

Make no mistake about it: Neal is very good at what he does, which is filling up airtime and motivating people to listen to his talk-radio rants on a daily basis. Rush Limbaugh is very good at it also, which is why both of them are heard in markets across the nation. It takes a certain skill set to succeed in talk radio and people like Boortz are very skilled indeed.

Boortz is also, no surprise, a gold-medal-class phony. He’s certainly not the first celebrity to win the love of his audience by espousing beliefs he never quite lives up to, but that is another of Neal’s skills that keeps his career moving along.

Boortz claims to be a Libertarian, but that’s the biggest bag of fart-stink ever released over the air waves. A “real” Libertarian, if there actually are any, would have denounced at every opportunity a president who illegally wiretapped American citizens and claimed the power to kidnap people and throw them into black hole prisons for life simply because he believed they were terrorists. Boortz instead sucked up to George W. Bush throughout the eight years of the Bush administration — and was so devoted to the alcoholic sociopath that he even got an invitation to the Bush White House.

Boortz likes to put forth the image that he hates wasteful spending by the federal government but again, his actions put the lie to that. George W. Bush wrecked the nation’s economy by turning a budget surplus into a systemic deficit that won’t be eradicated for generations, if ever. As I said earlier, Boortz loved him some of that Bush — how else could he have received that coveted White House invitation?

Boortz has also denounced attorneys who file what he considers to be frivolous lawsuits and has called for them to be put in jail — a strange position for someone who once was a practicing attorney.

Here are some of Neal’s own comments on attorneys who file damage suits:

There are attorneys out there who file frivolous lawsuits knowing that there was no incident of medical malpractice. They just want to file the suit to see if the insurance company will throw some money at them to make them go away . . .

Juries have a warped and confused understanding of their role in the judicial process . . . To many jury members, it only matters that the plaintiff suffered an injury. It doesn’t matter whether or not anyone actually caused that injury through negligence, but only that the plaintiff was injured. Sooner or later during the jury deliberations someone is going to speak up and say “Well, so-and-so was injured, we ought to give them something. After all, the insurance company will be paying for it.” Does it matter that the injury was the result of the defendant’s negligence? No. It only matters that the injury occurred. Write them a check! . . .

Judges should be given far more leeway in determining whether or not a lawsuit is frivolous, and the tools they need to punish lawyers who bring them . . . Perhaps it’s time the Supreme Court should put him [the attorney who filed a lawsuit over the pledge of allegiance] in jail for filing frivolous lawsuits.

That outrage over damage lawsuits proved to be a little embarrassing for Boortz after the husband of one of his producers sued the makers of Crocs footwear over an injury to their son.

Besides mastering the technical skills that have made him successful on air, Boortz also knows the right buttons to push on the issues of race. He will say that one of his producers is an African American and he was once a friend of the late Hosea Williams, so how could anyone call him a racist?

For someone who claims not to have a racist bone in his body, Boortz certainly displays a lot of anger toward blacks, Muslims, and dark-skinned immigrants. Of course, that’s what keeps his listeners coming back every day. He is a very talented and enthusiastic race-baiter — I would go so far as to call him a “master baiter” in recognition of his skill level.

He especially seems to have issues with blacks who hold elective office, calling Cynthia McKinney a “ghetto slut” and a “welfare drag queen” and comparing Barack Obama to a “child molester.” But it’s the status of immigrants, particularly Mexican immigrants, that really puts the jet fuel in Boortz’ wing tanks. A sampling of his comments:

On where to put undocumented immigrants: “The Superdome! Exactly. And the Astrodome in Houston. That’s where we’ll put ’em. We’ve got practice. Got practice. But where are we — and then, what happens if Mexico says, ‘We ain’t taking ’em back’?”

“When we defeat this illegal alien amnesty bill, and when we yank out the welcome mat, and they all start going back to Mexico, as a going away gift let’s all give them a box of nuclear waste. Give ’em all a little nuclear waste and let ’em take it on down there to Mexico. Tell ’em it can — it’ll heat tortillas.”

“I don’t care if Mexicans pile up against that fence like tumbleweeds in the Santa Ana winds in Southern California. Let ’em. You know, then just run a couple of taco trucks up and down the line, and somebody’s gonna be a millionaire out of that.”

Let’s not overlook Boortz’ wit and wisdom on other topics:

“When these Katrina so-called refugees were scattered about the country, it was just a glorified episode of putting out the garbage.”

“Muslims don’t eat during the day during Ramadan. They fast during the day and eat at night. Sort of like cockroaches.”

“Well there’s many different groups. But I’m just singling out two different groups of people right now that present a threat to this country, and frankly I just cannot tell you which one presents the greater threat. One group of people: Osama bin Laden and his Islamic terrorists. The Islamic jihadists. The other group of people: those of you who would vote for John Kerry. And both groups present a threat to our safety and a threat to our future.”

Commenting on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s appearance: “How fun it is to watch that hag out there twisting in the wind.” (In fairness to Pelosi, the jowly, bald-headed Boortz is never going to win any “Brad Pitt Lookalike” contests.)

Global warming is “an effort by the left to destroy capitalist economies . . . that’s what it has always been. A leftwing effort to destroy free enterprise.”

On women attorneys: “They believe they’re at a disadvantage because they’re female so they won’t give an inch on anything. Never. And they become just hideously difficult to deal with.”

On the Atlanta City Council vote to increase property taxes: “They’re gonna rape us, they’re gonna bend us over and nail us, and there’s not a damned thing we can do about it.” [Like Rush Limbaugh, Boortz has a strange preoccupation with the sex practices of gays.]

On the swine flu: “What better way to sneak a virus into this country than to give it to Mexicans?”





10 responses to “He’s a master at baiting”

  1. BEZERKO Avatar

    Yes, tort reform, absolutely! Corporations are persons after all, and they should be able to run amuck doing whatever they want, no consequenses for irresponsible behavior at all, and to hell with everyone else. Corporations are sociopathic persons and should be above the law.

  2. Audrey Avatar

    Frivolous lawsuits are ruining our economy and America’s legal crisis is putting employees out of work, raising consumer prices and driving down shareholder value. We need to address the country’s litigation explosion and make the legal system simpler, and fairer. Read about the priorities of Friends of the U.S. Chamber at http://www.friendsoftheuschamber.com/issues/index.cfm?ID=306 .

  3. Audrey Avatar

    Frivolous lawsuits are ruining our economy and America’s legal crisis is putting employees out of work, raising consumer prices and driving down shareholder value. We need to address the country’s litigation explosion and make the legal system simpler, and fairer. Read about the priorities of Friends of the U.S. Chamber at http://www.friendsoftheuschamber.com/issues/index.cfm?ID=306 .

  4. BEZERKO Avatar

    Why was I not surprised to hear that he was a speech writer for Lester Maddox.

  5. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    Glad to know that a journalist is willing to have such disregard for language and meaning, in addition to playing loose and fast with facts. You and Jim Wooten have a lot in common!

    And I did look up the definition of racism and apparently (shock of the week), your target needs to be racial.


  6. Jason Adams Avatar
    Jason Adams

    Wow, innerredneckexposed. Apparently you need to look up the definition of racism. Your target need not be a race, you only need the belief that yours is superior. His comments about blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims imply his superiority. Why not just say it? Cause that would be too obvious.

    Somewhere along the way the right convinced the nation that spewing hate is exercising your freedom of speech and fostering liberty. Best yet, is when they do it in the name of ‘honesty.’ Sort of the societal equivalent to when someone makes a racist comment preceded by ‘I have black friends.’

  7. Tom Crawford Avatar
    Tom Crawford

    That’s the great thing about the internet. If you’ve got a problem with anything that’s posted, there are literally millions of other websites you can go to instead.

  8. innerredneckexposed Avatar


    One of the (many) problems with your post is your criticism of Neil claiming not be a racist and then say “displays a lot of anger toward blacks, Muslims”…Muslim isn’t a race.

  9. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Whoops, sorry about that. The incident I was thinking of happened in Juarez roughly about the same time as the Brazilian Goiânia accident, involving the same sort & types of medical rad waste. Some dental x-ray machines were also implicated. Kids broke open the machines to get at & play with the ‘small shiny metal cylinders’ inside, which of course was the rad source, and spread it throughout their impoverished neighborhood next to the town dump. Big contamination problem. But of course we never hear about such things. All for a simple want of marbles, eh?

    One of the things I’ve been consistently amazed by is how Boortz keeps on getting accepted into plenty of ‘polite company’ and is often courted by all sorts of politicos. It’s a discredit to Radio to be honoring this lying sack of weasel crap, who’s nothing more than a propagandist of the worst sort firmly in the Father Coughlin mold of racist demagogues. JMP

  10. J.M. Prince Avatar
    J.M. Prince

    Thanks Tom for reminding us again of this excrescent excuse for a human who is one of our ‘home town boys’ ably & amply rewarded by the media elites in this town (WSB & Cox Enterprises). Nice send up & Rad waste sent to down to Mexico willy-nilly? Umm it’s been done:

    See here:


    And here:


    (Not certain that 2nd one will come out). JMP

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