The Sounds of Ka-Ching coming from the Barnes HQ

REB.jpgPrepare your wallets for a fundraising email from the Roy Barnes’ campaign. Barnes is going to be asking for some funds because Rasmussen continues to report that he is the leading Democrat in the Governor’s race and now “Barnes attracts 42% or 43% of the vote when matched against any of the top Republican hopefuls.”

Jan. 21, 2010 results:

  • Barnes (42%) versus Oxedine (44%)
  • Barnes (43%) versus Deal (42%)
  • Barnes (43%) versus Handel (42%)

Maybe this latest poll results are all about “buyers’ remorse” rather than “National Dems are bad”. Georgia voters might be having buyers’ remorse for voting for the Georgia GOP’s version of change. When they voted Roy out of office, voters naively believed that Perdue and his gang of merry reform Republicans would actually improve the State. Not so much after 8 years of letting the wolves mind the hen house. So now Roy is back and voters might be thinking “well, he wasn’t that bad when he was in office, my family prospered, and my kids received decent education”. I think a lot of people are looking for change but a change in leadership that will provide stability to their families.

It’s gonna get interesting. It’s gonna really suck for the other Dems in this race when Roy Barnes trots out his litany of successes that have directly impacted Georgians. The only Democratic candidate running who can’t tie his successes with Roy Barnes’ successes is Carl Camon. I’m guessing that the other Dems have better get their press folks to outline what successes they have had during Perdue’s 8 years of ineffective leadership.

Maybe the ride won’t be such a bumpy ride for Democrats if all candidates involved run on their record of successes instead of tearing each other apart. Ahhhh, a woman can dream…






7 responses to “The Sounds of Ka-Ching coming from the Barnes HQ”

  1. griftdrift Avatar

    Because throwing a tantrum worked out so well for both sides last time.

  2. Tim Avatar

    Where Barnes stands on Merit-Pay will largely determine his success or failure in this bid for Governor.

    110,000 strong teacher-voting block is not going to look kindly on Barnes if he joins the Republicans in blaming the teachers yet again and now hitting their wallets for test scores.

  3. Sid Cottingham Avatar
    Sid Cottingham


    As you know, I am now and always have been a big Barnes supporter. But we must qualify your statement:

    “When they voted Roy out of office, voters naively believed that Perdue and his gang of merry reform Republicans would actually improve the State.”

    As you know, voters weren’t voting for Perdue, but against Barnes. And rest assured, mistakes made in his first term will not be repeated during his second, and for more good reasons than just Barnes says they won’t. He is going to be a great governor


    This time more than in his 2002 campaign Barnes is much more engaged in what you call retail fund raising, and doing a dern good job so far. This was evident in his recent fund raising report. I’m going to count on you. Page two.

    Months ago I begged one of the other candidates to consider the second spot, without success. I plan on having this conversation again and with a second candidate (not David; he won’t get out regardless). But even back then I was advised (and not by the candidate with whom I addressed the topic) that it was a bit early to press the issue, and that this is a decision that events must control rather than contacts from the Barnes camp. I still consider it possible that, regardless of public statements, with at least one of the other candidates this is possible unless Thurmond jumps in.

  4. Mel Avatar

    I doubt he’ll be asking me for money. Guys like Barnes prefer wholesale, not retail, fund raising. And for the love of God, can someone please convince one of these Dem Gubernatorial candidates to run for LG? Anyone? Please?

  5. innerredneckexposed Avatar

    So were DuBose, David, or Carl even offered as choices?

    I mean if the polls were asking people about Bill Richardson in 2008 all through the NH race but they aren’t asking about you now, that must be quite the blow.

  6. griftdrift Avatar

    Much better idea to go with the guy who polls show gets thumped by double digits by candidates as strong as John “blue light special” Oxendine.

  7. Zaid Avatar

    I don’t dislike Roy Barnes, but I think the trend of Dems coalescing around an establishment candidate that makes nice nice with the party bosses and them catastrophically losing as they alienate independents should show us something here.

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