Category: Teabaggers

  • Ignorance is the new political capital

    I can’t remember an election so full of people leveraging abject ignorance as viable political capital. It’s like watching the whole country watch an episode of “The Real Housewives of…” sitting on their couches with their hands in their pants like Al Bundy, but then voting. I could prove it with a link to endless…

  • It’s what’s called the “Silly Season”

    Except some of this isn’t all that “silly”, you be the judge. Scary Oh My Liar Liar Pants on Fire Classic! Leaving for “family reasons” WOW that’s an expensive first date Anyone planning on spending the weekend combing through disclosures? Yeah, nah, I didn’t think so.

  • Saxby Chambliss Update

    You may remember the not-too-thinly veiled warning/slur against homosexuals that came from a staffer in Saxby Chambliss’ lair office. Well, Andrew Sullivan brings you the latest in that office’s crack efforts to find out who among them would say something evil (which let’s face it, it is) and bring about swift punishment. And the latest…

  • “Traditional” Values?

    Joni Woolf is one of my favorite people. A writer and editor, Joni has blazed more trails for women than I can count. For years, Macon was Joni’s home, but recently, she moved back to her beautifully renovated farm house in Schley County. During her tenure in Macon, Joni served was one of the founders…

  • Quote of the Week

    Oh snap. Nathan Deal told voters Saturday that they deserve a governor with a college degree. Karen Handel said they deserve one with ethics. Well, meeee-ow. Unfortunately it appears they have decided to “play nicer”.

  • 1/4 of Americans Still Idiots

    25% of Americans have doubts Obama was born in America. The baseline percentage of idiots in America has always been around 25% or so (number of people who think 9/11 was an inside job, believe they’ve made contact with aliens etc.) Glad to see we don’t have any more idiots than we normally do. I…