Category: Teabaggers

  • Time To Share Those Embarrassing GOP Videos

    The Democratic National Committee has launched a new website that allows enterprising video snatchers to upload and share their embarrassing GOP videos with each other. Could be viral, maybe not, but it’ll still be an interesting read for me for this cycle. Including Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio, and other GOP asshats in my daily read…

  • Price under Investigation – Cont.

    “The initiation of the preliminary review by the OCE to determine whether political contributions may have influenced my vote in favor of a smaller, more responsible, government is without any merit whatsoever,” – Rep. Ned Flanders As a follow up to Jen’s post, the folks at the Public Campaign Action Fund send along a look…

  • Talking out of both sides of your mouth

    IOKIYAR When last we experienced this phenomenon in its most classic form, Reps. Gingrey (R-11) and Kingston (R-1) were caught handing out over-sized checks at home while blasting the stimulus program in Washington. This morning, James Salzar at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution chronicles the level of dependence Republican state leaders have on federal dollars.  And it…

  • Wednesday Roundup (Hangover?)

    Was last night a good night for women?  Or just wealthy women? Was it good for Tea Party followers?  Was it good for incumbents? Was it bad for MoveOn?  Was it bad for rumor mongers? Was it good for you?

  • Weird, sad or teachable moment?

    More likely… a “only in politics moment” Tim Crawford, running as a Tea-Party Democrat in the Indiana 5th, is a 28-year-old first-time candidate who, not to put too fine a point on it, cough, hates the Democratic Party. From Facebook comes this missive… Changing the democratic party starts here. The more socialist this nation becomes,…

  • Found: TeaBagger Lunacy

    Apparently the TeaBaggers are chipping in their Social Security money, oh wait no, they are using their US savings bonds, to place billboards like this up in Lake City, Florida: According to the leaders, their message is: The cost of 10 months rental of the billboard and doing the artwork was $6500. The folks responsible…