Month: September 2009

  • Party on, John!

    U.S. Rep. John Linder is among those who are making the early prediction that Republicans will win back their majority in the House of Representatives because of voter opposition to the healthcare reform plan being pushed by President Barack Obama and the Democrats.

  • He’s a master at baiting

    Right-wing talkmaster Neal Boortz soon enters the hallowed ranks of the national Radio Hall of Fame, which is quite an accomplishment for the Atlantan who makes quite a lot of money from his nationally syndicated talk show.

  • A Reason to Watch the Emmys

    Joss Whedon’s internet musical, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (starring Neil Patrick Harris as the eponymous, video blogging, super villain!) will get its own live performance during this year’s Emmys!! Emmys, this *almost* makes me forgive you for snubbing Buffy the Vampire Slayer.* *This is no way absolves your snubbing The Wire, however.

  • Don’t Like Socialism? Sign Here.

    I’ve seen this a bunch of places this week, but I think it originally came from Kos. The Teabagger Socialist-Free Purity Pledge I, ________________________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following: I will complain about the destruction of…

  • They may have wanted to wait till after football season…

    Reporting from Sacramento – Concerned that the growing popularity of big-screen televisions could make it harder for California to keep pace with electricity demand, state energy regulators are poised to crack down on energy-guzzling sets despite opposition from a powerful electronics trade group. The first-in-the-nation TV efficiency standards would require electronics retailers to sell only…

  • Real men wear lavender!

    This fall I’d like to see some of my favorite men wearing something other than blue. Oh yeah I know you all look good in that Delta uniform blue shirt, but please I beg of you, change up this season to Lavender. Purple, is the color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. I’ve…